Chapter 7: Levitate

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Alan Walker's P.O.V

"Ok, I need to get ready. Just need to shower." As I was hurrying to get my clothes and towel, I suddenly heard my phone ring. I heard it from across my bedroom and scurried there before the person hung up. I caught up and answered with, "Hello?" "Hello . . . " is all I heard from the man who was talking. He sounded very disturbing and he was breathing very heavy. As if he just ran 2 miles from a tread mill. Again, I raised my voice a little higher, "Wh-who is this?!" "Heh, why don't you come and find out for yourself?" "St-stop! I'm going to call the police if you don't tell me who you are!" "You'll find out sooner or later. Oh and by the way, say hi to that gorgeous y/n.  I would love to hear her/his feedback on me." Beep Beep. "The caller who you are trying to reach is unavailable. Please try again later." "Shit" I told myself. 

I quickly dialed up Joe's phone number (my second coworker that works for me). Within seconds he answered and said, "Yes, Mr. Walker? How may I help you?" "It's an emergency! Someone anonymously called me and threatened one of my friends! He is after them!" "Can you track the number who called you?" "No. It seems like they removed their location before they made this call." "Hm, okay. Thank you Mr. Walker. Would you like me to inform this friend of yours now?" "Yes. That'll do." "Well then, I shall proceed. What is their full name?" "I uh *has a flashback of when y/n signed their name on the autograph with "Hanging with my favorite DJ ever! Alan Walker fan for life! - Y/N". "Oh uh Joe? You still there?"

"Yes, Mr. Walker, I'm still here. What is the matter?" "Oh uhh, my friends name is y/n. Please send this to him/her as soon as possible." "Yes Mr. Walker. It's on its way now." "Oof, okay thank you." "You're very welcome sir. I hope your friend isn't in danger for too long." "Yes, thank you. Good bye." "Good bye." As I came to split ways with Joe, I sighed in relief, "Man . . . What a day! I just hope this will end quickly." I sat down on my couch to relieve some of my worries out and hoping that y/n is okay. Honestly she/he was really cute! "Wth, Alan! Get a hold of yourself! Why I am thinking like that. Woah! And to top it off, I barely even know her/him other than y/n being really kind to me. He/she seemed to have a lot of respect for me and didn't go TOO BALLISTIC on me, other than freaking out for a little bit, but not too much. It was nice to have a fan that really seemed like the type that I would love to hang out with more. "Damn it Alan! Again?! AAAAAHHHHH!!! What is wrong with me???!!!!" As I thoughtfully raged my words into my head over and over again. 

As I kept the same position of looking like a maniac, my brother was walking down the hall, he looked up and asked me with a weird expression on his face, "Uhhh, are you okay bro?" I turned around and blankly asked him, "Uh . . . what??" "I said are you okay?" "Uh, yeah. Don't worry about me. It's just I forgot something and I can't remember what it was." "Oh, okay." "Night bro." "Heh, goodnight little bro. Love you." "Love you too, bro." Man that was so close. I shrugged off the feeling of what could happen to y/n and went to my room. *sighs* "Well, it's night, so I should go to bed right now." 

Y/N's P.O.V.

"Okay, let's eat some cereal! Hehe!" I said to myself. As I looked through the cabinets of my kitchen, I took out the cereal, then the milk, finally the spoon. I dumped some cereal into the bowl and poured the milk. I grabbed my spoon and sat on my kitchen table and began munching on the cereal. I had the idea to pull out my phone so I did. I unlocked my screen and looked through the messages and of course none. But just as I was going through Youtube to watch Pewdiepie for a bit, my phone showed a message. The message implied from Alan Walker??!!!! WHat??!!! Why would he send me this??!!" As I began to click on the message, it opened up and read, "Dear y/n, this is very urgent and I need you to listen. I received an anonymous phone call from someone who is threatening to kill me and take you. DO NOT, AND I REPEAT, DO NOT GO OUTSIDE, NOR SCHOOL, WORK, ETC. PLEASE THIS WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE!!! I WILL COME PICK YOU UP TOMORROW. No later than 9A.M. PLEASE STAY INDOORS AT ALL COSTS. If you are wondering who this person is, I'm afraid we do not have that information with us right now, but we're getting to the bottom of it!!!! I swear, I won't let anything happen to you. Please be safe and try to get some sleep. Thank you and have the rest of the day with ease. Sincerely, Alan Walker."

"WTF!!! Omg, I wonder who is trying to kidnap me. Okay, I'm going to lock all my doors and windows now before the lunatic can get inside. As soon as I get to the last window, I immediately noticed a guy standing in the middle of the road and only to be wearing a black hoodie and black pants. I only caught a glimpse of his face, but he was wearing a mask. he suddenly disappeared into the black shadows of the night. I quickly closed down my window and locked it. I went to go to my room and through the bathroom to brush my teeth. As I finished brushing my teeth and all, I jumped into bed. Within a matter of minutes, I fell asleep.

Alan Walker's P.O.V

I went through my room and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I finished and jumped into bed. I closed my eyes and within 5 or 10 minutes, I fell into a deep slumber. I dreamed about y/n and me getting caught by the maniac, and him stabbing me with a knife 9 times, only to see him having to rape her in front of me. I woke from my nightmare and tried to fall asleep, but no luck at all. All I was reminded of was just him raping her or worse, probably sexually abusing her in my mind. I couldn't sleep for the whole night and was just traumatized of what could and can happen . . . . . . 

Omg guys. Finally!! Here it is. I said I was going to show this on Friday, but sorry I had to finish my Economics Project that was due this last Sunday night. But thank god I finished that. Hopefully you enjoyed this because I tried being discreet and specific as possible. Have a good night and I'll see you in the next chapter. 

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