Nia Brown been struggling all her life and never had nobody. She suffers from depression ( mental issues) she feel all along. She's 17 and lost both of her parents. Her Mom had gotten remarried before she had passed and now Nia lives with her stepd...
I got outta bed sore. John had went to work early, I just gotta keep going through this just for one more year till I turn 18. I don't know how much I could take of the pain I was tolerating from him. My body was sore every night from the abuse. I shook my head. I went to my bathroom getting in the shower washing myself. I felt disgusted, I wasn't in the mood to go to school honestly.
15 mins later... I got outta the shower wrapping myself in my towel walking back in my bedroom. I went to my stand grabbing my notebook and my pencil. I sat on my bed and started writing lyrics, I always wanted to be a singer. Like my mother said I have a voice of an angel. After I got done I got up going to my closest pulling out my all white dress that came with my yellow jacket. I had put on my blonde lace frontal then I started covering up my black eye with makeup. The things I have was donated to me before I came here as a gift to my old friends down in Kansas. I painted my nails pink and slipped on my all white Jordan's. I swing my all black bag pack on my shoulders, took my phone off the charger and headed out the door. As I was walking to the bus stop I took my necklace out my bed and put it on my neck, and it was pretty sunny outside so I put on my sunglasses. This was a pretty bad neighborhood. There were men's looking at me like they wanted me and drug dealers on everywhere block.
Chris's POV
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"Chris baby come here" my ma said I walked downstairs to my ma hall. My dad was at work, he's a lawyer and my ma a doctor. They been together for years. I'm currently a 18 year old senior. I have 2 other little siblings name Khaliah which is 13 and Monae and their twins. Could you imagine the annoyance?
"Yeah ma" I said coming to the computer room kissing her cheeks. She had my car keys in her hands. Get that little smile off your face boy she laughed. I had gotten my car keys taking away because I had went to a party with my boys and I was drinking, when I drink and if I see something I don't like I blackout then I'll wake up in a cell.
"You can get your keys back if you don't drink Chris, I am not playing boy and that damn Kelly gonna get you in some serious trouble, I don't want her in my house" she said in a serious tone.
"I promise ma" I said kissing her left cheek again. "Thank you and I love you, I gotta go."
When my parents was at work Kelly was putting her hands on my because she thought a broad was trying to get with me. I told Kelly it wasn't true and we were just friends with benefits but she wasn't having it. My ma came in and she accidentally swing on her and thought she was one of my "hoes" .. everything went left after that. Kelly coo and all, the sex is great but she swear we more then what we are.
As I started walking out the door she yelled "I love you too"
I got in my BMW truck thanking god I had my baby back. I really gotta control my drinking issues and my anger. I haven't took my medicine in months. I just be stress because my dad have high standards for me that I believe I couldn't reach and didn't wanna reach. Every since I got-kick off the basketball team for fighting and shit we haven't seen eye to eye ever since then. As I was driving I seen Nia standing waiting for the bus. She looked mad good. I slowed down, I could tell she looked uncomfortable.