Nia Brown been struggling all her life and never had nobody. She suffers from depression ( mental issues) she feel all along. She's 17 and lost both of her parents. Her Mom had gotten remarried before she had passed and now Nia lives with her stepd...
"Fuck" I mumble as I got outta bed and almost busted my ass.
This how I start off my senior year. I went to my bathroom I had in my bedroom opening up the cabinets looking for my medicine to take. I graded my pills bottle popping two in my mouth. I had suffer from depression every since I lost my parents. It was tough. I ran my bath water and went in my closet to get my yellow sweater out that hung from my shoulder and got my rip jeans out. I threw my clothes on the bed and went back to the restroom to handle my hygiene.
After I came out I had rubbed lotion on my body while slipping on my pink panties and lace pink bra. I brushed my curls out a little bit while slipping on my yellow and white jordans that goes with my outfit. I put on a little lipgloss, putted on light make up and I was ready to go.
"NIA GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE NOW!" My stepdad John said
I mumble walking down the stairs throwing my book bag over my shoulders.
"Great" I mumble quietly.
I came downstairs and he was there waiting for me. When I got close to him he slapped me.
"Where's my babygirl going with this on?" He question
I held my face looking down at the floor. He got on top of me kissing on my neck. I try to push him off of me but he wasn't having it. I started crying quietly. Every since my mom had passed he been raping and abusing me and she died 6 years ago and that's when it all started. I try to get out his custody and in Kansas people was noticing what he was doing to me and when they did he moved out here so that's why were in Atlanta. I can't never get away from this men no matter how much I try...
"Well finish this later little hoe" he said laughing.
He walked away and I hurried up getting myself up and together before he had changed his mind. I ran outside crying but when I realize people was looking at me I hurried and whipped my tears and gotten on the bus going to my new High School name RayLake High. This was already turning out to be a horrible day. I just looked out the window crying quietly. Turning enough so nobody would seen me. I felt somebody gently touched my shoulder and I whipped my face trying to play everything off by smiling.
"Yes" I said to the boy that touched me smiling.
He was fine ass shit. He had tattoos everywhere and he looked good. Not everyone can pull that off, he was light skin with very nice hair and he could dress well.
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"Hey" he said as he sat right next to me. "You good shordy? And you must be new. My name is Chris " as he looked concern.
I moved over a little "Yeaaah I'm fine, I just don't nobody here and it's just stressful. I came from Kansas to Atlanta last month and my name is Nia. Nia Brown"
He smirked a little "Well Nia Brown you can hang with me, I gotcha. We got off the bus and he grabbed my hands since he knew I was nervous.
"Thanks" I said shyly "you really don't have to do this"
"I want to do this and you look beautiful also Ms.Brown"
I smiled a little but that smile turned upside when people kept staring at us whispering.
"Don't worry about them" Chris had said as we kept walking.
"What's your first period ma"
I looked down at my schedule Mr.Harris English class."
"Bet, I have the same class. You can sit with me and my bros" he said as we walked into the classroom.
I sigh " I don't wanna you know"
"Nah" he said shaking his head "you straight"
I smiled he was so sweet.
"Ayeeee wassup nigga" somebody's said to Chris well dapping him.
"Damn who shordy" one of his friends said.
I acted like I didn't hear him and open up my journal writing in it.Chris stop up and sat on my desk.
He leaned over whispering "excuse my friend" and leaned right back.
Chris kept talking " Rico, James, and Damon this is the amazing Nia"
He said amazing?
"Hey guys" I had finally spoken
"You fine fine" Rico said
"Thank you Rico " I said giggling a little "you don't look bad yourself"
"BABY!" A white girl came running in the class room coming to Chris hugging him and kissing him. He pushed her off. She looked up at me then mean mugged me.
"Kelly what I tell you about the shit maaan move" said an now annoyed Chris
Thank god the teacher came in.
"Everybody take a seat" Mr. Harris said. Everyone sat down and Kelly sat right next to Chris and and I sat on the other side. The teacher started talking
"You guys have a project coming up. Well today and it's due before 1st semester and it's with partners" everyone sighs " yeah,yeah,yeah" Mr. Harris kept speaking. "I will give you guys the rubric and what this project is about is getting to know your partners. Know everything about them, favorite color, about their childhood, everything. It might be emotional for some so if it does I can assign you another project maybe maybe not. Who I paired you guys with his on the board. I stay seated while everyone checked the board. Chris came by me smiling.
"Hey partner" he said with this big smile on his face
I laughed "hey"
"Can you come over to my place after school to do the project tomorrow " he said.
"Yeah sure but I have to leave before 6. That's when my stepdad gets off.
"Okay bet and give me your number" said Chris
I gave him my number and putted it in his phone as Nia🌹.
Kelly was looking at us in frustration so I made the convo short and walked away. I didn't need no drama on my first day at school. —— After school I had went home and took a shower, putted on my pajamas just thinking. I was so tied of stressing. I wanted to end it all. Well I was in my thoughts I heard my stepdad creeping in my room. I started crying and begging him not too do what he was gonna do.
"Come get this dick babygirl, you're all mines and I will never let you go"
I try moving but he just graded me forcing himself in me. No matter how loud I cry it never stopped.
Hey guys I will update this book twice a week. I hope you guys like it so far. Give me feed back if you would like. Sorry for the errors. Love ya and I got some drama coming soon. Not saying what chapter.