Chapter 2 Michelle's Pov

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"And don't forget pages 34-42-" the teacher went on and on, Michelle had to resist slamming her head onto her desk.

So much homework, why on earth did she think it was a good idea to invite the gang out?! Her parents were going to kill her if they knew!

Of course, the idea was to get Gina back the group and let her hang out with Noora and Dan, her old friends, but if it wasn't for having to drive Gina to the mall Michelle most likely would have just left it the three of them. Man, she was going to have to explain so much to her parents tonight.

Honestly, Michelle had nothing to worry about, she was a straight 'A' Student and rarely had issues with getting her homework in one time, despite what her mother always said.

Of course, that never stopped her from worrying about failing.

Michelle probably would've just stood there panicking for the rest of the day if it wasn't for her friend tapping her shoulder and bringing her back to reality.

"Yo, Earth to Elle, you home?" Ivan waved her hand in front of the bothered students face with a grin.

Michelle turned around hurriedly to see Ivan and Landon standing there, Landon having his hand on his hip, giggling to himself, most likely about how startled Michelle's face was.

"Don't ever call me Elle again." she groaned beside a scowl.

Ivan just laughed, "Meh doesn't, matter," Michelle could tell by her tone with thankfully she was going to change the subject.

And she was right, as Ivan carried on to say "What you up to after school?"

Disappointment hit Michelle like a truck, not only would she have to say she can't go to Gina, Dan, and Noora, she now had to reject her best friends?!

Man, life really hated her today.

"Sorry, I'm going out with some friends to the mall."

"Damn, you mean the gay ones?"

Michelle felt her eyebrow lower at the comment, "Yes Ivy, the gay ones, their names are Dan and Noora, and Gina is joining us this time."

Ivan pretended to pout much to Michelle amusement, "That's a shame, Elle, Landon and I were gonna go out, get some drinks you know?"
"You mean orange Fanta."


Michelle honestly couldn't help but laugh at that, and just like that, they were just three laughing teenagers in a closing classroom.

Michelle slung her bag onto her bed and fell face first onto the stiff mattress.

The entire walk homes her phone had been buzzing with texts from her mom wondering where she was, and if she had any homework, and what to eat for dinner.

To which Michelle had to remind her that she was eating out with Gina, Dan, and Noora, cause she just couldn't end up bringing herself to cancelling on them.


Hey Mich


I'm not even gonna tell you what I read that as




Are you fine if I bring Taylor and Charis with me? Charis can drive us


Yeah sure but aren't they in Ottawa


Taylor's team had some issues and they had to send a few members home, and Tay was one.


Dang, she angry?


Not really, but I wanted to take her out to make up for it.

Michelle set down her phone and began to brush her hair.

She had met Taylor once or twice, she was a quiet woman she usually had a book with her, and most of the time she just stood there holding Noora's hand and looked around, only entering the conversation in either to insult someone or a make a witty joke.

She had been dating Noora for a few years now, but Michelle had only met her a month ago.

Noora had brought Charis and Taylor to one of the gangs hangouts, and then Michelle and Taylor started arguing over who was taller, Noora laughed for a good amount of time after that.

Noora was honestly a bit too attached to their short girlfriend and talked about her far too much, Taylor was a bit quieter than that, only really bringing up their relationship when using their stupid nicknames for each other 'Wifey and Knifey' as they pretended (or hoped) to be married.

Michelle must've heard almost everything about Taylor at this point, she was a professional climber, she always has a knife on her, she's born in December.

The list could go on.

She moved on from the idea of Taylor (because honestly, it didn't affect her life much)

And began to get ready for the evening.

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