Chapter 4 Noora's Pov

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The keys jingled in Noora's shaky hand as they stuck it into their apartments keyhole and turned their hand, the door made a click sound and Noora pushed the door open.

The house had a mighty reek of beer, and cigarettes, obviously Ryan hadn't cleaned up today.
Noora jumped over the disordered laundry and cans on the floor to the staircase and travelled upstairs.
There was no trace of their dad in the residence, but much to their irritation, Ryan, their brother was.

Ryan was retiring on the couch he had passed out with a bottle securely enveloped in his arms.
It was half empty and the lid was fully off, which explained his somewhat wet face.

Noora hopped over the couch that he was on and closed the door behind them.

Like usual their bed was disordered and unmade, with a few sketchbooks glimpsing out from underneath their pillows.

Noora had an annoyingly small room that could only fit a bed and a shelf in it, and honestly, if Noora had any more stuff then their room probably would explode!
But Noora counted themselves lucky to have a window in their room, unlike Ryan.

They threw their coat onto the floor, the zipper making a small sound as it hit the floor.
Noora hated being at home and had a hunch Ryan and their dad did also, the family was always out, never together, but always out.

Ryan usually came home with a few friends and a few drinks.
Dad on the other hand... Noora usually got phone calls to pick him up at a bar or a club.
But neither Ryan nor Noora bothered to pick him up, and if they knew their father was home they would habitually go to Taylor's house.

Noora... are you @ home?

I'm sorry bout the mall, can we talk?


Noora if you don't answer now I'm coming over


C'mon, at least let me talk to you!

Noora disregarded the persistent ringing of their phone, good chance Taylor would start calling them and then show up here.

They didn't fancy to see Taylor, not after the incident at the mall with Michelle and Dan.

The phone kept ringing, over and over and over, until a new ringtone came on, Thriller by Micheal Jackson.

It was Michelle.

Noora's hand slowly went to the phone, their hand slightly shaking.

And they picked up.

Writers Note!~

Okay so I was planning on having the next part in Gina's Pov, but to keep Taylor in the story Gina is gonna hafta wait.

If you're confused that's totally fine, but Y'all are going to hafta wait to see what actually happened at the mall.

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