twenty: Sweet jesus

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Frankie's point of view:


Her tight lipped smile masked her confusion. "Liza - uh, Mr Hayes scheduled you for a hair and makeup appointment at two. You did know, didn't you?"

I blink, shocked but quickly regain my composure. "Oh, uh - okay. Come in. Sorry, I just wasn't expecting you. Mr Hayes' must have forgot to tell me." She wheels her case inside, her heeled boots making a faint clicking noise against my wooden floor. I tighten the belt of my pink and white polka dot robe as I follow her with furrowed brows. "So, Mr Hayes sent you?"

She hums and nods in response, flicking open her case of luxury makeup items that I almost drooled at. It was a far cry from my walmart purchases and a even further one away from my small makeup bag that held everything bit I owned. "I'm really surprised he didn't call you - but then again, that's so sweet. Who said romance was dead?"

I let out a small breathy laugh although my mind was racing a million miles a minute. "Do you want a coffee? Water?"

"A glass of water please." Liza smiles warmly and I make a sharp exit into the kitchen, fishing my phone from my pocket. I scroll to his number, my speedy fingers typing out a rapid message.

To: Jason                                                                                                                                                                             Hair and make-up? This is far to much!

I pour two glasses of water, returning to hand one to Liza who thanks me and pats the fold-able stool for me to sit upon. She taps the thin handle of the comb against her cheek, tilting her head to the side as she scan my dried out hair and bare face.

"I'm thinking a low up-do. Maybe a few loose curls to frame the face, and definitely a nude lip. Maybe a smokey eye too?"

I smile lopsidedly at her and shrug my shoulders. "I'll let you choose." My phone buzzes in my hand and I excuse myself, lighting the screen up to Jason's received message.

From: Jason                                                                                                                                                                               I'll pick you up at six. Enjoy.

Smiling, I return my phone to my pocket and lean my head back into Liza's combing fingers. She she twists and turns the strands of hair, curling and pinning pieces into a elegant up-do.

"So." She starts, pushing another bobby pin close to the nape of my neck. "You really didn't

"No clue."

She makes a sound. "That's so cute! I wish I had a boyfriend who surprised me with flowers never mind a hair and makeup appointment."

"Oh!" I exclaim, widened eyes. "He's not my boyfriend."

She stops, narrowing her eyes. "He's not your boyfriend but he's organised this for you? God, he must be completely smitten then! Imagine if he was your boyfriend what he would do."

She lets out a giggle as the blood rushes to my cheeks. "It's not like that."

"Whatever you say." She smirks, teasing my hair with another comb. "I'm just saying, men don't think about the importance of little things like hair and makeup, so the fact he's put thought into this and the effort of booking someone instead of letting you do it - it means something and I would almost bet my life on it that, that something involves more than just being friends."

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