chapter thirty - Love

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Frankie's point of view:

There was only a minimal amount of words to describe happiness, and the feeling that was coursing through my veins didn't seem to be equivalent to any of the synonyms. I couldn't describe it and I don't think I ever could. It was more than happiness, it was more than elation, it was more than exhilaration. It was more than anything I could comprehend.


He released his held breath with a nervous laugh, stroking his thumb across my highlighted cheekbone and undoubtedly the streaky foundation. I was too afraid to blink or even turn my head incase he evaporated into a mist and the last four words he spoke was a blip in my imagination. He pushes my hair behind my shoulder, resting his hand on the back of my neck and stares completely into my soul.

"I love you, Francesca Marilyn Fields." He murmurs, although his voice was low and barely audible over the loudness that was around us, I heard every word. "I am so ridiculously, extremely and hopelessly in love with every single part of you."

I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. I couldn't move.

He loved me. Me.

When? How? This was the man who only a week ago, after kissing me on my home porch, told me that we were better of forgetting things. He didn't want us to mess things up in work between us, he didn't want to ruin our friendship, he didn't want us. But now he was professing his love to me, so out-of-the-blue, it made my head spin and it wasn't because of the alcohol.

"You said you wanted to be friends." I told him, my voice sounding robotically. "You said you didn't want to ruin our work ethic. You can't just change your mind; not that fast."

Jason shakes his head. "I was lying to myself. I was trying to convince myself that it would be better us being friends, that we should just say as colleagues but truth be told, I was telling myself all this because I was too afraid to admit what was really happening. I was too afraid to admit that I was falling for you, and I was falling so hard and so fast. Don't get me wrong, this is probably the most terrifying thing I think I've ever done but I can't keep this to myself any more."

My heart was sore and my eyes ached to cry tears of happiness. The admission that I wanted to hear for so long almost brought me to my knees. He leans forward again, pressing our foreheads together and sending a wave of calm soaring through my body.

"Can we go somewhere else?" He asks me. I furrow my brows, leaning back to look up at him. He smiles, the dimple appearing. "You can still see all of this, I just want to be able to talk to you without someone winding me with their elbow."

I giggle and nod, holding up my finger before I turn in search for Hannah and Tommy. The pair were already staring with beaming wide smiles and before I could ask anything, she shoo's me away. Mouthing a thank you, I bite my lip and place my hand inside Jason's, letting him haul me through the crowds. I wobbly on my heels, often hitting Jason's upper arm as he laughs at me and pulls me faster on purpose.

"Where are we going?" I squeal, clutching him tighter as I scurry to keep up with his large strides. "Jason, stop! I'm going to break my ankle if you don't stop."

A winded breath breaks free from my lips as I bump into his chest as he stops abruptly. He grins like a child finding a secret stash of candy as he holds me by the waist. Winking, he turns his back to me and crouches slightly.

"Jump on."


"Jump on." He repeats, glancing back to me. I was horrified. "Either you jump, or I'll have no choice but you lift you."

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