So Phil is not on fire 10 is coming and that's literally the only thing i can think about at the moment.
No golden whiskers this time amigos. Dang it.
So there have been many rumours regarding this whole thing.
One of them being that Dan and Phil are gonna quit youTube after this. Now okay, hold the phone, WHAT?!
THAT MAKES NO SENSE WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT? But yeah, i guess ten is kinda a final number if you think about it but i personally don't think they're gunna do it.
If they do then welp guess i'm getting run over by a car.
(suicide is not a joke kids shush)Another rumour is that there's finally gunna be a "yep we've been married all along" moment but again, highly unlikely.
*millions of demon hearts break, including my own*