Mort Rainey X Reader

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Hello my lovely readers. So I actually just learned about this movie/book. You see my mom is a huge Stephen King fan, and Secret Window, Secret Garden, is a short story he wrote that I have in my bookshelf. And the movie happens to have my favorite actor. Yeah so I watched it, and I loved it. I'm going to start reading the book, hopefully soon.

Warnings: Mentions of murder.

Anyways enough of my rambling. Thank you for reading.

>>>>>Your POV<<<<<

You were in the general store, you were putting more books on their shelves when you glanced over your shoulder to see a man standing there. He looked very familiar, it took you looking down at the book you were holding to connect dots. Oh, my sweet lord of Atlantis. Mort Rainey. You mentally shook your head before stocking a few more books. You stood up and faced the author.

"Good afternoon Mr. Rainey. Can I help you with anything." You offered him a friendly smile, to which he granted back.

"I was just looking to see if my newest book was hitting shelves. As I can see they are." He offered you a nod.

You could see why people have started to feel uncomfortable. A few people have gone missing including his ex wife and her newest boyfriend. People think that he murdered them. You honestly didn't believe in that hoopla. I think that people honestly got their heads in books too often. Yet, there was something about the way he acted that just didn't seem...right.

"Oh yeah, the shipment came last night. However, everyone decided to wait until I came in to actually open everything and have me put them on the shelves. I hope that people will read and enjoy your work. Now I really don't want to seem rude, but if you could please, excuse me I have to get back to work. It was nice talking with you Mr. Rainey. I'll see you around." With that you went to the back.


After that afternoon, Mort came in quite often. He would just stand there behind you for a moment or two. You could always feel his dark brown eyes, burning a hole into the back of your head. Somehow, you managed to keep your cool. Then came your day off.

You decided to go to a small cafe that was a couple towns over. You ordered your favorite beverage, taking the drink out to the little patio. The day wasn't too hot, it also wasn't too cold. It was just a very comfortable temperature. Except after a while, it seemed to get colder, and you got the feeling that someone was watching you. You looked over and low and behold; Mort Rainey was looking at you from across the street. You took a deep breath in and a long breath out. You locked eyes with the man. He soon started to walk towards you.

"Mr. Rainey, not that I'm not flattered or anything, but why are you almost always watching me?" He seemed a little taken back by my forwardness.

"Why my dear, I'm sorry if I'm just drawn to such a beautiful person." His voice had changed. For some reason his voice reminded me of Percy from that movie The Green Mile. His voice was a southern drawl that some people would either find absolutely annoying, or absolutely amazing. You were the former. You didn't like the sound of the old fashion Mississippi accent. It just rubbed your ears the wrong way.

"Mr. Rainey. Why did you change your voice? Do authors do that? Are you purposefully doing that to connect with the characters that you are writing about?" You honestly didn't feel a hundred percent comfortable talking with the guy. Yet something drew you to him. It was like you wanted to run away from him, yet a retractable leash is attached to you.

"I guess you could put it that way." He said, pushing his glasses up his nose. He leaned against the patio fence.

"You are such a strange man Mort Rainey, interesting, but very strange." You placed your head in your hand and looked at him.

"Well darling, at least you think I'm interesting. Why don't you and me have dinner sometime? You could swing by my place let's say tonight, at six?"

Something in you told you to not take that offer. Yet you couldn't help but be very curious too.

"Alright, I'll accept your offer. I'll swing by your place at 6." Mort smiled.

"See you then, love." With that he turned and walked away.

What have I just agreed too?


At a four minutes before six, you pulled up to Rainey's home. You couldn't help but think that it was a beautiful place to live. Yet something was off about it. Especially the whole cluster of corn stalks growing to the side of his house. Someone must be a fan of corn?

You walked up to the door and knocked on it. When Mort opened the door he was dressed up pretty nicely. Nothing too formal, yet still rather classy. He does look rather hot.

"Ah Y/n, please come in." Mort moved to the side to let you in.

"Thank you, Mort." You walked in and looked around. The place was rather big, it felt nice. You noticed little things. Like the mirror over the fireplace had a frame that looked like sticks. On the table was a bowl filled with pinecones. There was a lot of corn husks around. What is with this guy?

Mort smiled, he then offered you him arm, which you took. He brought you to the kitchen. You sat down at the kitchen's island. He was making Italian food.

"You know Y/n. I want to apologize for being or acting weird. I know that people have been saying things about me and such. I guess I just want to thank you for agreeing to meet with me." You offered him a smile.

"Of course Mort. I believe that you have just gone through a lot, I mean a divorce isn't a smooth ride. My parents went through one. I understand why you might've broken a bit. I don't blame you. Besides you don't seem like a bad guy at all." You smiled. Which he returned.

"Yeah." Was all he responded with.

After a few minutes of small talk you and Mort actually learned that you both had a lot in common. He seemed to relax more, and he was actually a fairly funny guy. Once dinner was done you realized that he was also an amazing cook.

"Wow, you really are full of surprises." He looked down at his plate for a moment,a smile evident.

"Why thank you Y/n."

After dinner Mort poured you a glass of wine and then one for himself. He walked over to his couch and sat down. You sat down next to him.

"You know, I know what people say about me. I know that sometimes I still might not act like I'm a hundred percent okay, or normal. I just want to say thank you for giving me a chance." He kissed your cheek gently. Ya know what. Screw it.

You placed your hand on the side of his face. You rubbed your thumb across his cheek bone. You leaned in and pressed your lips against his.

"Mort, tonight I have learned that you are an amazing, funny, incredible man. People just don't understand what people go through when a bombshell goes off in your life. A lot of people react differently. So, if you want to have dinner again at some point. I'll be more than happy to join you again." Then Mort actually smiled.

"I'd love to have dinner with you again." He leaned in and gave you a small kiss.

After a few more minutes of conversation and slipping a few kisses, you thought it would be good to head home. You and Mort exchanged phone numbers and you headed home.

"See, people just love to come up with stories when people are at their lowest. Honestly. Him murder anyone. I don't believe it." You thought to yourself when you pulled into your driveway.


Thank you everyone for reading. 

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