Chapter 1: New York City

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Finally! We were out of the Holland Tunnell and in New York City, my favorite place in the whole world. I couldn't wait until I could move out here and start my career as a Broadway performer.

It was Tuesday August 5, 2014. I was coming into the city with my Mom, Dad and Aunt Felicia for the week. We were meeting my older sister Katie at her apartment in Manhattan and going to see If/Then later that night. I was so excited! I had seen If/Then once before but I was hoping to meet Idina at the stage door this time. We got to Katie's around 5pm and went out to dinner at Avra, a Mediterranean restaraunt. We finished dinner around 7:15. My parents and Aunt decided to drive while Katie and I walked and chatted along the way. My sister and I were super close. She was 30, but she was more of a best friend than a sister. I could tell her anything and I could talk about everything with her. Katie was an ER nurse and had the night off, so she decided to come see the show with us.

We got to the theatre just as they opened the doors. My parents and aunt had already parked and gotten in line. My mom took the tickets out of her purse and gave one to each of us. We were in the third row Orchestra, with seats right in the center. Wow. I was going to be just a few feet away from my idol! 

Within a few minutes, we were in the theatre. I stopped and got my merchandise before the show so I could get to the stage door quickly afterward. I bought a beanie, a shirt and a mug. We entered the seating area. Each of us were handed a playbill and led to our seats. I sat right smack in the middle of the row, next to my sister. As we waited I looked around. The Richard Rodgers was such a beatiful theatre. As I was admiring the boxes on the side, the lights dimmed and an announcement came on for everyone to turn off their cell phones. Yes! The show was about to start! 

The Orchestra played the Overture and suddenly Idina appeared on the right side of the stage. Her presence was greeted with cheers and applause.

"Hey, it's me," she said.

Soon, the Orcheatra began the opening chords of "What If?" The rest of the act flew by. "What The Fuck" was so funny and "Here I Go" was beyond amazing. The chemestry between James and Idina was something special. Soon enough, it was onto intermission and Act Two. "Hey Kid" beautiful and I cried all the way from "I Hate You" until the end of the show, It was such an emotional and moving show. I could have seen it 1000 more times.

As soon as the bows started, everyone in the theatre stood up. I screamed and cheered for everyone. As Idina walked out to take her bow, I had tears in my eyes. She was so amazing. As they backed offstage, James looked at Idina lovingly, and Idina gave James a little kiss on the cheek. Awww. If only James wasn't married and Jadina was real. A girl could dream...

I snapped back into reality when I heard Katie call my name. She and I were going to the stage door, while my parents and aunt went to go get Schmackery's for the ride home. 

I rushed to the stage door and found a place at the end of the line. Jenn and LaChanze came out first, follwed by Janet, Jason, Anthony, Jerry and James. Jackie came out too. We talked a bit and I also got her to sign my Wicked CD. Jackie was so sweet. I got a picture with all of them and they all signed my playbill. Finally, Idina came out. It took her a bit to get down to me since i was last in line, but it was worth the wait. I handed her my playbill and Wicked CD for her to sign.

"Hi!" I said

"Hi, sweethart!" she replied. My heart melted.

"You were awesome tonight," I told her. "The show is amazing."

"Aww thank you so much. You're so sweet," Idina said. 

"Umm...would you mind...taking a...picture with me?" I asked hesitantly, not sure how she would respond.

"A quick one," she said. 

Idina put her arm around me and Katie snapped a picture. 

"Adorable!" Katie said. 

I thanked Idina again, and we made eye contact for a couple seconds as I slipped her a note and a picture that I drew for her. I hoped she would like them. 

My mom texted me that they were back from Schamckery's and were about to get the car from the lot. They were going to drive around the block and pick us up outside of the theatre. We waited a bit and saw some of the cast started to leave. I saw my mom's white Lexus coming down the street, so I started to stand up and gather my things.

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