Chapter 6: Surprise!

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Hey guys! I was FINALLY able to update! It's kind of short but I hope you like it!!


After intermission was over, we went back up to the wings to watch act two. It seemed to fly by, and by the end I was in tears. The cast came out to take their bows, and we clapped and cheered from backstage. Finally, James came out, then Idina. As James grabbed Idina's hand, he gave her a small kiss on the cheek. They were so cute together. Idina and James walked offstage toward us. I gave her a hug and said,

"Great show! You were all awesome!"

"Thanks!" Idina replied.

The five of us walked back towards the dressing rooms. James, Jackie, and Janet went their own ways, and a Idina and I went back to her dressing room. I sat down on her couch, and Idina went to take a quick shower. Katie texted me and said that she would come to take me home on Saturday to get ready for the funeral. She also said that I would probably stay with Idina until we figured out where I was going to live and go to school.

"Ok," I replied. "See u in a few days💜"

A few minutes later, Idina emerged from the bathroom with wet hair up in a messy bun, dressed in gray sweatpants and a navy long sleeve shirt.

"Hey, what's up?" Idina asked with a smile.

"Nothing much," I said.

"I'm going to take a quick nap, and Jenn and James are running over to Au Bon Pain to grab dinner after they're finished at the stage door. Do you want to go with them? They're leaving in about 30 minutes"

"I'll go!" I replied. "Do you want us to get you anything?"

"Sure. Can you get me chicken Caesar wrap?"

"Okay! Is it okay with you if I go hang out in Jenn's room until we're ready to leave?"

"Of course! Feel free to wake me up when you get back," she giggled.

"Alright. See you in a few!" I said, and make my way down to Jenn's dressing room.

I found Jenn's dressing room pretty easily. I stepped Inside and relaxed on her couch until she and James got back. Around 6 the three of us went down to Au Bon Pain to pick up our dinner. We decided to stop at Starbucks and get drinks to surprise Idina. James and Jenn both got an iced tea, I got a decaf caffe latte, and I got Dee a passion tea. We chatted on the way back, and we got to the Richard Rogers around 7. Idina was just waking up as I walked back to her room. I knocked on her door and cracked it open. Idina as just waking up.

"Hey. You guys back already?" She asked sleepily.

"Yup. We stopped at Starbucks and I got you a passion tea." I said, and handed Dee her dinner.

"Aww. Thanks so much Chris," She replied. "You can sit here," she patted the other couch cushion.

I sat down cross legged next to her.

"So," Idina said. "Before I fell asleep I talked with Katie. We were trying to figure out where you should live and go to school."

I suddenly got butterflies in my stomach, realizing that I might have to leave Idina and New York soon.

"I wasn't going to tell you yet, but you're going to cyber school because I'm going to adopt you. You're going to live with me," she said. I could hardly believe what I was hearing. Idina Menzel was going to be my mother?!

"Really?! THANKYOUSOMUCH!" The words tumbled out of my mouth as I gave Dee a hug.

"You're so welcome!" She replied. "I can't wait until you're officially mine."

"Me either," I said.

"Hey, what time is it?" Dee asked.

"Seven twenty-five, I replied.

"Shoot! I need to start getting ready!"

Idina grabbed her costume for the beginning of the show, and ran into her bathroom to change. She emerged after a few minutes, and sat down to start doing her pincurls.

"Hey Chris, would you mind helping me do these pincurls? Joby went out and just texted me that she's running late and won't be back until seven fifty."

"Of course!" I replied.

As we put her hair up, Idina and I told each other stories and giggled the whole time. I finally had a family again. And it felt amazing.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2014 ⏰

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