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I hate school.... I just wanna be at home riding my horses and playin my guitar, or just somewhere far far away from this place...


"Hunter!!!!" My science teacher, mr. Brown shouted snapping me out of my day dream.

I looked up, "y-yes s-sr.?"... Wow way to go hunter nice stutter...

"Are you going to answer my question??" He asked

Awh crap what did he ask....

"We'll?" He said. 

"Umm, well, ahhhh..." I stuttered trying to think of something.

"Can you stop stuttering and answer the damn question, freak?" Lauren, A girl that goes to school with me shouted.

I felt my face turn red and my eye started to sting... Yeah I hate talkin... I'm no good at it, as you can tell.


Thank you lord! Saved by the bell!!!!

I gathered my things as fast as I could and made a beeline for the door.

I was half way home when a black mustang pulled up beside me.

"Hey! Slut! Long time no see huh?" The man in side the car said.

Wait that voice sounds familiar... And not the good kind.

I stopped dead in my tracts and turned to face the side of the car. I looked in and who I saw was who I never in my life ever wanted to see again! Edward Pilkington, my ex boy friend.... Also known as the guy who took away my childhood when I was only 13... With out me sayin he could may I add.

"We'll ant you lookin beautiful." He said with a scary smirk.

I rolled my eyes and started walkin home again.

"Hey you ain't gonna talk to me?" He asked fallowing me.

I didn't say anything, I just kept walkin.

"You know it's not nice to ignore people, Paige... Nor is it to tell a lie about being raped, because ya know its not rape when you want it."

That set me off.

"Okay you listen here you battered!" I said turning to the car, my face red as fire.

"You know I didn't want it! But you did and you hurt me and you know it!!! Then you go around and tell people we did it and that I forced you!!!! Yeah that's when I will tell some one you raped me because that's what it was!!! Unless you call butting some ones arm till it blends or kneeing them in the nuts is a turn on I believe you are out of your mind!!! I know it was rape and you do to!!!! No leave me alone before I call the copes!!!!!" I said tears treating my eyes.

"We'll the slut can be a bitch can't she???" He said smiling evilly at me.

"You know you made my life a living hell because you made up that lie about me raping you... So I thought i would worn you... I'm gonna make yours a living hell as well." He said before driving off.

What did he mean by that???

I ran the rest of the way home and didn't stop till I was in my room.

I ran up to my room and slammed the door... I couldn't stop packing an shaking. I want crying but I felt like I had been crying for hours.

"Meds.... My meds where are they?" I asked my self.

I ran in to my bathroom and looked under my cabinet where a small hidden box of proscription pain med where... They were dads but he didn't need the no more... I took one out and swoled it dry... I stared at my self in the mirror.





All popped in to my head... I couldn't hold it in no more I ran to my room and grabbed that god forsaken box off my book shelf... I picked up a small clean blade and held it to my wrist... I took a deep breathe and started slicing away...

I don't remember when I stopped Im not sure I did... All I know is that I felt better...

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