chapter 4

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afted riding for about an hour and a half, I we stoped at a little river I. the woods behind my house. it was my favorite place togo when I needed to just getaway no one new it was back here. only me my brothers and my dad knew where it was. it was like our little hidding stop when we just needed toget away. it aas so peaceful and beautiful here. there wwas a small water fall and a munch of rocks. when I was younger me my dad and my brothers would climbe up of the rocks and jump in to the water.

I jumped off rebel and took of his saddel and reins. I hung up everything on a branch and let him walk around in the field to eat grass aand drink water ffom the river.

I climbed up the rocks till I was somewhere in the middle, and sat down over looking the field, and river. I sat and just tgought and prayed for about an hour, before saddeling back up and riding back to the house. when we got back to the house I gave rebel a bath. after his bath I put hin in the big paster with the rest of the horses and refiled the watter been and put out some hay.

when I got back to the house my moms car was gone and a not on the front door.

'dear my sluty daughter,  

I am going to la for 2 months, and just to be sure you wont bring any boys in my house to fuck like normal, I locked every door and windo so no one could get in. so your just gonna have to sleep in the barn or something... i don't really care just don't take your little ugly fat sluty self in to my house till j get back! or else!!!! 

love mom<3'

are you freakin kidding me! ughhhhh!!!!! I crumped the note in my hands. I don't mind sleeping in the barn I honestly don't but my blades and clothes are in there what am I gonna do!!!!

"hey!" I heard someone call from bdhind me.

I turndd around to see scotty walking towards me.

I sliped the note in to my back pocket so he wouldn't see it and ask about it.

"what are you doing in long sleeves? it spring time!" he said gestering to my white long sleeved luke brynt shirt.

oh crap... how am I gonna explane this???

"oh... um... well see my mom has been outta town and we ran out of washing powder, so its the only thing I have clean..." I lied..

yeah I'm a bad lier...

"really? why don't you just buy more?" he asked trying not to laugh.

"welll you see the thing is... I need to go to the market to get it, but you need a car to get there bc that's just to long of a walk, and you need gas to put in the car to get there and you need money to get gas and the powder..."I said sounding smart. "but you see I am fresh out of money, meaning I can't get gas powder or a car."

he laughed nodding "good point "

I smiled "thanks"

"so um are you gonna let me in, or are we gonna stand out here?" he asked.

well this will be good...

"um I actually kinda locked myself out so... it looks like we ars standing out here." I somewhat lied again.

"really?" he asked.


he laughed. "well whens your mom gonna be home?"

"I don't know. she don't tell me much."

"well where are yoh gonna sleep?" he asked a conserned look on his face.

"um probably out in the barn with my horses." I said.

"why would you stay in thw barn?"

"well why not? its not like I got somewhere else to stay... pluse it ajnt that bad ojt there." I said shrugging my sholders.

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