a failed promise

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  • Dedicated to Lexy Blake

The next morning I woke up around 10am to a loud noise out side, I walked over to my windo and saw some moving trucks... Hum I wonder who's moving in there?

I shrugged my shoulders and went back to my bed. I was about to lay down when I saw my sheets...

Blood, everywhere... I looked down at my arms and saw fresh red cuts starting at my wrist going all the way up my forearm...

Well aint this just great! Long sleeves for the rest of the month... I ground and went to take a shower when I got out of the shower, I got dressed changed my sheets and got a breakfast bar. After I finished the bar I went to get my horse.

"Hey Reble!" I said walking up to my horse.

I warped my arms around his neck and hugged him... I don't know how he does it but some how he can tell when I had a bad night. When I pulled away from him, he immediately went for my sleeves. He bit the end of my right sleeve and tried to pull it up my arm.

When he did that my head instantly fell...

I pulled my arm down away from him and pulled down my sleeve so rebel couldn't see my cuts. I know it's crazy but I believe animals have feeling and can hurt to...

"I know rebel... I broke my promise..." I said looking down at my covered arm.

"I'm sorry buddy." I said.

I felt tears sting my eyes... I tried hard to fight them away but it didn't work. A tear slid down my cheek. I wiped it away and took in a deep breath. I looked back up saw rebel staring at me softly, as if to say its okay.

I smiled at my horse and rubbed his nose.

"Wanna go for a ride, boy?" I said as I got his saddle down.

His ears perched up and he nayed.

"I take that as a yes then" I said with a small giggle.

I put on his saddle and mounted up. We road around the paster and fields my dad owns and then road down town to get some ice cream. Ones we got back, I took everything off of rebel and gave him a bath, after that I put him in the small field that's closest to my house.

"Rebel I'm so glad I have you." I said to him. He didnt pay me any mind he just kept eating his grass.

It was about 2:30pm or so and the sun was shining bright.... The way it was hitting on rebel was beautiful. All of a sudden I got an idea. I ran in to the barn and grabbed my sketch pad and pencils. I ran back out to the paster and sat down. And started to draw.


A/N: hey y'all! So how ya likin' it so far??? Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to the story be as long as passable so I'm stoping it here:) hope y'all like it!!! Commit/fan/vote/like:)<3

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