Chapter Thirteen

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When I opened my eyes, I caught Chanyeol's wince just before he stepped back.

"Sorry. It's breakfast time." He said softly and I nodded slightly at him so he could disappear and I could take a moment to assess how my head was doing without his scrutiny. He had hovered around the bed the first few times he'd woken me up, but I'd firmly chased him away the last time.

It didn't feel too bad when I was lying down but the second I stood up I hissed at the wave of vertigo. Shit. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths until it went away and I could move without splitting my head in half. I made it down the stairs a few minutes later, where a plate was laid out for me with an omelette and some breakfast sausages. Chanyeol was leaning against the kitchen island, his hands crossed over his chest which made his biceps bulge in a way that made my mouth dry.

"You don't have to keep cooking for me." I said and he shrugged as I sat down.

"I like cooking and I was bored." I stopped with my food halfway to my mouth.

"You really don't have to stay here with me if it's boring."

"Yoora didn't even come home last night. And can you please not do that?" He said.

"Do what?"

"You could have waited until the food was in your mouth to answer me." I raised my eyebrow.

"You...want me to talk with my mouth full?"

"No, It's ..." He laughed softly and rubbed his face. "It's like all those suspense movies where the villain poisoned the food and the main character keeps getting interrupted while they're trying to eat. It drives me crazy. Just eat it!" I stopped with my spoon in mid-air again just to annoy him.

"Did you poison the food?" I asked.

"Why the hell would I poison your food?" He blinked at me.

"I don't know."

"Exactly. So just eat." He nodded his head at my plate and I did, because I was hungry and because he looked like he was going to stand there until I was done. I finished my eggs and I was on my second sausage when I caught him staring at me.

"What?" I asked and he startled like he'd been caught doing something...had he been staring at my mouth?

"Nothing." He replied sheepishly and I slid another sausage in my mouth, slower this time. When he shifted his hips and moved his hands to his pockets, I chuckled. He was nothing if not predictable. I tried to help do the dishes but he shooed me away and told me to go shower, so I trudged up the stairs, going at about the same pace as a tortoise. God, I couldn't wait to feel normal again.

"Stupid car." I mumbled to myself. "Should have let it hit..." I didn't finish my sentence. There was no way I would have just stood by and let that car hit Chanyeol. My chest started to ache when I asked myself why and I rubbed at it gently. I don't know why. I just wouldn't have been able to watch him fall and crumple under that car. So you put yourself in his place? I asked, it hadn't been on purpose. I was just trying to move him and I'd been too slow. That's all. Turning on the hot water in the shower did nothing to drown out the word 'liar' beating around in my head.

I stepped back into the bedroom singing and almost tripped over my feet when I saw Chanyeol standing just inside the door. He looked at me blankly for a minute and I resisted the urge to move my hands and cover myself. It was nothing he hadn't seen already anyway, right?

"You left your phone in the kitchen." He said softly. "It was ringing." He held it out for me and I crossed the room quickly to take it. I turned my back to him so I could bite my lip and try to calm my breathing. As I checked my phone I could feel his eyes like a physical touch, running down over my back and resting on my ass.

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