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I never planned for this to happen,
I never planned to fall in love,
I never planned to feel nearly this attached,
And to always want your touch.

I never wanted everyone to get involved,
I never want our life to be theirs,
I never want to feel pressured at all,
And I never want you to be scared.

I never feel like I've forced the things I want,
I never feel like I've pushed you away,
I never feel like we've had a dull moment,
And with you I want to spend everyday.

But I feel like I'm better with you,
And I feel like you can always stop me feeling low.
I feel like I want to keep you in my life,
And never have to let you go.

I want those sleepy movie marathons,
And anything that comes at us I want to soar through,
I want you to enjoy my company just as much as I enjoy yours,
And for you to love me exactly how I love you...

- G

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