Chapter 9- Seeds

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Hello everyone! Sorry about the wait! Things have been a bit hectic for me lately so writing had to take a backseat. That said chapter 10 is partially written so you should be seeing it in a much shorter time frame than between this and chapter 8. But that's enough from me, enjoy!  

Delphinium slowly stumbles into the docking bay alongside the other FranXX of Squad 13. You and Ichigo are both completely exhausted, having been pushed mentally and physically to your limits during the course of the mission. Your experience in the nest was awful to say the least, and the only solace you find is in the fact that it is finally over.

During the trip back, your adrenaline from the impending threat of the bomb had finally worn off. As a result, you had begun to feel the injury you had sustained during your instinctual act of protecting Ichigo. The right side of your face had eventually lost all feeling and your jaw refused to move. Your throat felt unbearably hoarse, almost like someone had singed your insides and left them to cool. Ichigo had attempted to speak with you several times while you were walking, but all you could manage were a series of throaty growls in response.

There is a metallic clanking sound as the restraints close around Delphinium's wrists and ankles, securing her to the dock. You release your grip on the controls, thus severing your connection to Ichigo, and are immediately overwhelmed by a wave of exhaustion. Ichigo stands up and opens the door to the cockpit, while you choose to take a moment to slump forward in the chair to rest. You put your elbows on your knees and your head in your hands as you quietly pant from the exertion of the hours-long mission.

"(Y/N)," Ichigo frowns, turning around to look at you. "Are you alright?" You, with great effort, stand and begin to make your way over to her. Trying not to worry her, you put on half smile. Her frown quickly changes into a smile in return as you draw closer. You are just about to make it to where she stands when another wave of exhaustion washes over you, this time accompanied by excruciating pain. Your pace slows as your muscles seem to atrophy while you're using them, and you stumble forward. "(Y/N)?" Ichigo hurriedly says as her concern returns. You give her a weak smile, take another step forward, and then your world goes black.


You wake up in a bed that you are acutely aware isn't yours. You pull yourself upright into a reclining position on top of the bed's pillows to look around. Casting your gaze around the room, you take in as much as you can to figure out where you are. The almost exclusively white room is of decent size, and your bed is one of several in a line. Beside you on a bedside table rests a box of medication. Assuming that this is not, in fact, one of the parasite's living quarters or a storage room means that you must be in the plantation's infirmary.

It's still early morning, based on the dim light seeping in through the window. While you continue to look about the room, a small rustle draws your attention. Directly across from your bed sits a chair. And in that chair, a girl with indigo hair sleeps restlessly.

Ichigo tosses and turns in the chair and her expression is one of pain. You quickly realize she is having a nightmare. "Ichigo," you call out to her. Your partner tosses to her left side, mumbling, "(Y/N)." She moves again as her features scrunch up into a ball. "Ichigo," you repeat, much louder than before. Ichigo's expression grows even darker, and this time an undercurrent of fear is present when her contorted face repeats your name. "Ichigo, wake up!" you shout. "(Y/N)!" she screams back and bolts upright in the chair.

Ichigo's hair is in disarray, as the longer locks of her bangs unevenly drape across her face. She takes several short breaths in rapid succession before looking up and seeing you staring at her. A twinge of pink flushes her cheeks and she hides her face from view by staring at the ground. A moment later she looks up at you again, the rosy color having swiftly receded.

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