Chapter 43 - Their Love

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Hello everyone, we're back with the moment you've all been waiting for! Why else would you be reading an IchigoxReader story if you weren't here for the romance? Well, the time has finally come. Make sure to check the second author's note at the end of the chapter for some goodies. Enjoy your special day! 

"So what is it you're trying to say?" you ask Freya as her avatar stands across the desk from you.

The AI frowns. "It seems we were not as fortunate as I had initially thought. The file that contains VIRM's location is incomplete. A trojan horse had been hidden within as well, but I was able to contain it. Haven's systems, along with our location, are secure. The data was corrupted, however."

"Then we're back to square one," you state through knitted hands.

"Not quite," Freya waves her hand and rows of characters fill the space between you.

The text is composed of letters, numbers, and symbols arranged in a seemingly random order. What sticks out to you are the gaps in the code. A blank space where a letter would have completed a word, or several indicating an absent term. Even the phrases that are complete aren't intelligible, with the letters jumbled or garbled in static.

"This is what I've been able to recover so far," she explains. "VIRM was clever in its attempt to hide the virus and protect its location, but not clever enough. Given time I will be able to reconstruct the partial file downloaded from APE's database."

You nod. "Can you extrapolate where VIRM is from that alone?"

"I believe so," Freya says with a smile. She is about to continue when her head twitches to the side. "They are arriving, commander. If you wish to speak with her now it would be an excellent opportunity."

On the security feed, Argentea and the rest of Coral Squad march toward Haven.

You push off the desk. "I think it would be better if I waited. She probably wants a shower before talking to anyone."

You've hardly made it out the door when your communicator rings. You accept the call and put it to your ear. "Yes, love?"

"Freya says the scout team is back," Ichigo's voice echoes through the speaker. "Are you going to talk to Miku?"

Holding the receiver away you take a deep breath. "I think it would be polite to let Miku shower and eat before asking her to do something for us."

"That's really nice of you to say that," Ichigo commends you. "Do it while walking with her."


"Don't 'Ichigo' me, we need someone to fill that role in the wedding and she was your idea. The sooner Miku knows, the sooner she can begin practicing. Now I've got to go, we're working on the dress. Love you, bye."

Before you have the chance to respond, the line clicks off. "Alright then, I guess I'll just go..." you shake your head and take the hall leading toward the hangar.

Coral Squad arrives several minutes after you do. They aren't hard to spot, a returning team never is. Dirt and mud cake the feet and heels of the FranXX, while dents and dings show their hard-fought battles.

Argentea steps into her dock with Chlorophytum beside her. The other members of the recon team take their places as well and the pairs begin making their way down the catwalk. Mitsuru and Ikuno pass, offering curt nods which you return. As Zorome and Miku walk by, you stick out your arm and catch the redhead's.

Miku looks tired after her deployment but she puts on a smile. "Hey!"

You can't help but smile at her always cheerful attitude. "Hey yourself, you have a minute?"

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