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"Virge, you alright?" My coworker asks, writing on the cup for the guy's order. "I mean, other than the very heightened anxiety, I feel fine. Why?" I know why, I'm very obviously tired and stressed. 

He shrugs, "You just seem more on edge and tired than usual." Yep. I lay out the halves of eggs onto the sandwiches. "Maybe it's the eye-shadow." I respond,  avoiding the fact that I am in fact tired and stressed right now. 

He walks away to give the guy his order, leaving me to finish the sandwiches for drive-thru. 

I sit down, finally getting a break from standing for three hours. I take out my phone, about to start checking my social media (mainly Tumblr), but my phone starts ringing. It takes me a second, since I put jokes as all their contacts,  but I realize it's Pat and answer. 

"'Sup, Popstar?" 

"Are you almost out of work?" 

"I still have another hour or two. Why?"

"We're all going to hang out when you and Logan get home! Logan is only half an hour away though." Dammit, I was hoping to hibernate in my room for the night once I get home. Once Pat decides to do something together, there's no saying no. If we say no,  we still end up agreeing because he starts pouting and even I can't help but give in. 

"Alright. Is dinner planned already? I wanna know so I don't make myself a sandwich and end up not feeling hungry later." Last time I didn't double check, I made myself some food and then came home to Patton making dinner. I still ate the food he made though, I felt bad.

"Yep! We're ordering take-out tonight! We'll talk about it when everyone is home so we don't get something somebody doesn't want." 

"Alright,  Pat. I'll see you when I get home then. I'll probably be back around 5:30." I have to wait for the next shift to show up and then I need to drive home. Not to mention that I also have to wait for night shift to count their drawers before I can leave.

"Okay! See you then, kiddo!"

"Not your so- and he hung up..." I slide my phone back into my pocket, leaning back and sighing. 

I don't get the chance to even touch my drink because my coworker starts talking in the headset for me to help him. 

Author: Sorry for this being so short but I didn't want to add too much into the first chapter.

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