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I stand up off of the couch maybe 17 minutes after Virgil excused himself. "I am also going to sleep. I suggest that you two do the same soon." They agree to, but from living with them for years and being friends for longer, I know that they will stay awake for at least another hour before retiring to their rooms. They've already started another one of the Disney movies. 

As I'm walking to my room, I pass Virgil's door and stop. Perhaps I should check on him, he seemed in a rush to return to his room. Something might be wrong. 

I knock, waiting for some sort of response. When I don't receive one, I open the door a little, surprised to find that it isn't locked as it usually is. "Virgil? Are you al-..." Walking closer, I see that he is fast asleep. His laptop is open and he's laying on his side, facing away from the screen. From the way the blanket and comforter are, I can assume that he fell asleep before moving.

I walk closer, deciding to close his laptop for him. I'm surprised to find that the screen is still lit. However, I'm even more surprised of what I find on the screen. On one tab he was watching Pokémon. On the other is, judging from the word on the tab itself, Tumblr. There are still messages open, but I don't read them. I may be curious, but I still respect Virgil's privacy.

Moving the mouse, I click on the icon of a person, guessing that it would lead me to his profile, instead seeing many options. The profile picture is of a stuffed, black cat. I click on the button that has this picture, which is what actually leads me to his profile. 

Granted that I started snooping in order to damper my curiosity, I only end up with more unanswered questions. I memorize the username before shutting the laptop and retreating from his room to mine. The last thing that I need is for Virgil to be angry at me for looking at his laptop without permission. 

When I reach my desk, I open my own laptop so that I can search more into this. The saying might be 'curiosity killed the cat', but curiosity has always led to new discoveries. 

Unfortunately, in order to search for Virgil's account, I have to create one myself. It's tedious, but I do it. After doing so, I type his username into the search bar. It's the only account to come up. 

I'm still very confused by the username and bio though. In all lowercase letters is 'anxiouslittleboy'. All one word. I understand the anxious part as he has been very open about his Anxiety, but why would he add that last part? I don't understand at least half of his bio. 'V, 29, main blog: embodiment-of-anxiety, little age: not really sure... no cg, im a lone woof!'. What does it mean by 'little age' and 'no cg'

Scrolling through I find many pictures of things I would expect Patton to post. Ball pits, stuffed animals, puppies, kittens and other 'cute' and childish items along with some gifs from Disney movies. There are text posts as well, but they're just as, if not more, confusing as the rest of this 'blog'. 

What in the world is 'littlespace' and 'cglre',? And why is it all over Virgil's blog? 

As confused as I may be, I am very intrigued. Virgil has been very secretive on and off for a very long time and I intend to find out why. So, I begin to dig deeper into this, reading more text posts and looking at different blogs that post the same sort of posts once I have finished looking at Virgil's (I hadn't gone through the entire blog, just came to the conclusion that was all there was).

Is this... what Virgil has been keeping from us? 

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