shit I wrote inspired by a song?? I honestly don't know lmao

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He seemed normal. He seemed okay.

And damn, how wrong it was.

His mind was messed up. Everything set off something inside him.

He sighed, placing his hand on the frosty window next to his bed. The warmth of his quirk melting some of the frost. It was warm in his room. He ran a hand through his light blonde hair, the resemblance to his mother inconfusable.

He picked up a glass, drinking the contents inside. He hadn't had a proper look at it, but from the quick glance, It was a colourless translucent liquid. He felt the cool liquid run down his throat, and he was aware of the headache he had. He looks in the reflective window, a small clear spot from when he had melted the frost. The rest was still cloudy, though.

He tried, to find his reflection. All he saw were the blurry outline of the things he lacked. The things people hated him for.

He lacked emotional prowess,

He lacked the stability all the others had,

He lacked the kindness to be a hero.

He forced himself to believe, that he was capable.

All he saw in himself was hatred, instability, and guilt. A grey tone took over the colours, he only saw the red of his eyes. It was freakish, the red in those eyes.. looking like his eyes had been coloured with blood itself.
"I can change my plans,
I can change my plans..
I tried to find my reflection on the glass,
But all I ever saw were the things I lacked.."
He sung softly, looking at the mirror he kept across his room.
"All the smudges on the mirror made me go insane.."
He picked up the mirror, and threw it against the ground. It harshly shattered, the loud sound ringing throughout his ears.
"All I ever thought I was.."
He walked into his restroom, looking in the mirror. He wanted to shatter it, more than anything. He hated how he looked. His red eyes staring himself down.
"..was a mistake."
He leaned over his sink, resting his head in his hands. He wanted to give up.

He wanted things back to the way they were. But he knew,

No one would forgive him.

Yeah idk- I came up with this on a whim- (The song is Antidote by Faith Marie, btw)- I wrote this because I kinda have a headcanon that Bakubro is insecure about himself due to people always telling him he's better set off was as villain with his personality?- you don't have to agree with me I just personally think that so ye-

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