Tears & Souvenirs

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"In the long run, we shape our lives and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility."

-Eleanor Roosevelt-

"Setti," gasped Fe' as his cousin's body went limp and her eyes rolled to the back of her head, sure signs of unconsciousness. Still hand in hand with the now cold and tattooless Sadie's, her quickly falling form careened towards the floor bringing the former Voodoo Queen's body with her. Shock rang around the room as the spectators took in the scene before them. Quick to act, Fe' tried to grab both women. However, a flash before him and a slight tug, told him of one thing and that filled him with relief. Aura had made it to the trio in a blur of black and brown. The soucouyant's eyes fell to Fe's and understanding passed between the two wordlessly. He grabbed Sadie while she dove for the newly appointed Queen.

Even if she had wanted to go for Sadie, she couldn't. The black blood that was now staining her otherwise pristine mahogany skin was lethal to anything not of her bloodline. The LeRoux blood was a double-edged sword of sorts. Where it gave them long life it brought others a swift death. Tightly, she pulled her friend's body close to her and stood to her full height, awaiting Fe''s instructions.

"Well, that was an interesting display of power," quipped Merrick, to no one in particular, from across the room. Seeing the situation as the opportunity that it was, he smirked victoriously. He knew that no one would ever allow him to get close enough to the new queen to be able to pry anything useful from her. so, there was only one way he could play this.

A quick glance to his left and his calculating emeralds met with concerned damp grays of his daughter's. Nodding his head towards the focal point of her attention, he laced his voice with what he thought would be perceived as concern. "Why don't you go see if your cousins need any help," he suggested.

Doe eyes blinked owlishly as comprehension dawned on the petite young woman. Unaware of her father's ulterior motives, she wiped away her tears, nodded and scurried to help her family.

Reaching them in no time, and seeing they had both women in their arms, Bianca turned to face the gawking faction leaders as whispers ran plentiful around the room.

Clearing her throat, she politely began, "On behalf of the LeRouxs we'd like to thank each of you for coming out and witnessing the ceremony. As we take a moment to grieve the loss of our matriarch, please enjoy some refreshments in the dining hall. Someone will inform you when it's time for the procession to begin."

Slowly, she raised her arm out in the direction of the hall watching as one by one the crowd began to head in that direction. Some mumbling their thanks and others offering a kind word that seemed more hollow than heartfelt. Bianca watched them all until the last person had left before turning her attention back to Fe'. Placing a delicate hand onto his broad shoulder, she gave him a reassuring squeeze.

Sensing his grief as it weighed heavily upon his slim figure, she offered, "I could clean MeMaw up and get her ready if you want to go with Aura to see about Setti."

"No," he declined politely as he returned her gentle smile with one of his own. Giving her hand a quick pat of appreciation, he elaborated, "I need to be the one to clean and dress MeMaw. I already know the outfit she wants to wear, how she wants her makeup—everything. You can go upstairs with Aura and help her with Setti. I'll be up there in a little while."

With a small smile that conveyed her empathic nature, she glanced one more time at her cousin before following Aurelien upstairs as Fe' headed in a different direction with Sadie's body cradled in his arms.

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