The break-up

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All night I was thinking wth could the surprise be, a good one or a bad one.

I got to school the next day and we were being stupid again, this time we were putting sweets in paper airplanes and throwing them around the room. (Lol). We stopped as soon as the bell went this time just in case we got caught. We were worried that we wouldn't find out the surprise.

When our form tutor walked in she seemed a little cautious. Once again she took the register, she explained that the surprise was that a new boy would be joining the form.

Me and Clover sat there giggling, as we said to each other what if he's hot, there's no hot boys in our year.

The receptionist walked into the room followed by a boy, the new one. He seemed nervous. I was sitting next to Clover all year until this day, our form tutor said we are trouble makers together therefore she decided to move us, Clover sat next to Amy at the back of the room, and I was left alone.

To be continued...

Authors note: if you like this comment more will be here soon!!!

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