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And that's when I saw him again, he seemed upset. It was all my fault I'm the one who slashed out on him. I wanted to say sorry so I went and sat in the spare seat next to him and Clover in the seat next to me.

Mrs. Horrid walked in and we all stood up cuz that's what we have to do. As we did Bradley grabbed my hand under the table, I flicked it off again, but that's what told me, it told me that he still wanted to still be friends so when we sat down I looked him in the eyes and smiled. And that's when he smiled at me for the first time ever. His smile it made me melt, but I only just met him, we were just friends.

After the register was taken I whispered to him "I'm sorry"

"I forgive you, I'm guessing you don't want me to call you babe then" he replied

"I'd rather you didn't" I whispered back.

"Okay then, you can be..." He wondered, "you can be flutterby"

"Aw that's cute, but we're just friends aren't we?" I questioned.

"Yeah I mean we met like 2-3 hours ago" he responded.

"I mean it would be weird." I giggled.

"SOPHIE AND WHO EVER YOU ARE SHUT UP!!!!!!!!" Screamed Mrs.Horrid.

I turned to Clover and giggled.

We ended up getting detention at lunch but it wasn't too bad cuz we just chatted about stupid stuff, but all the way through it Bradley was writing notes, I don't know why but...

It was odd okay.

A/N: hey please comment and vote please comment which is you fave chapter so far hehe.

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