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I was looking for people to join the seven deadly sins when I ran into a hooded figure that was shorter than me, I felt like they needed to be apart of the seven deadly sins. Even though Merlin had chosen all of the people already. 

I looked at this hooded figure, and asked. "Hello what is your name?" I looked at them waiting for a response yet I didn't get one. "I'm sorry but are you lost little kid?" I asked softly? Trying not to scare them away thinking they might be a little kid.

"My name?" "Why would you need such information?"

The voice was soft yet it sounded like more than one voice coming out from under the hood. I was very intrigued buy the hooded figure in front of me. "Well I'm just curios because I don't think I've ever met you before." I said to the figure. 

"mmm names, names define a person no?" Hahaha.

I was very confused why this person was speaking like this and why they laughed. I was getting a bit frustrated because I couldn't figure out if they were a male or female, or how old they were. 

"Mine name is Meliodas. All I want to do is help you I promise I am not going to hurt you."

The hooded figure was quiet for a moment before saying. "Meliodas....hmm. what a strange name indeed." 

I kept staring at them trying to figure out what I should do.

"My name is Kyōki." this time it sounded like a teenage girl underneath the hood.

"Why did your voice change?" I asked her in a quiet voice trying to not scare them away.

I heard a noise behind me seeing holy knights appearing. "Sir Meliodas the king wishes to speak to you about a vision he had." the holy knight said to m.

I looked at the hooded figure. "Alright I am on my way. Would you like to come with me?" I asked Kyōki.

"MMMmm." The mumbled again back to the different voices.

"You would like to become part of an elite group of people known as the seven deadly sins?" I decided to ask while we were on the way to the castle.

"Maybe." haha. The voices said from underneath the hood.

The Eighth sin of Evil ThoughtsWhere stories live. Discover now