The Reaping

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The day of the reaping my brother and i only had to do half our chores. So we got them done around ten and we decided to play in the ocean. We swam down to a secret cave were i told him about my plan. He has a mental disability that efects his physical and mental developement so we are about the same hight and i let everyone know i was taller even though hes 15 and im 11. This year his name would be put in around 1000 times so when we had to split i would go to the center and check in while he stayed with my mom and 14 siblings.

When we got to the line to check in i put on the fake thumb with my brothers blood on and pricked my finger. I was the last one so when i got to the boys section our mayor started his speach about how great the government is and how its such an honnor to be chosen. Then our representitive from the capitol came up to chose the pigs for this years slaughter. She started with the girls. She asked if there were any volunteres and an 18 year old girl named Karrra voluntered. Then came the boys. There were no volunteres. She fumbled around in the bowl for a few seconds and then selected a small blue piece of papper. She steped up to the mike and read aloud the name," Jasper Smith." My heart droped into my stomach. I walked slowly to the stage and then turned tward my district. Karra grabed my hand and she thrust them into the air and everyone cheered. Then we were taken to the government building and our families were brought in. My mom had to work so my brothers and sisters were the only ones to come in.

When Jasper came in i grabed him and told him that he had to go to my classes and sleep in my room and all that. Then i told him that he could never reveal who he was. That if they found out we were as good as dead. After they took my family to the train station they came back for me and karra. As i was getting on the train i turned to my brother and said, "remember im taller than you."

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