Justice is a dish best served cold

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I spent the next three days in a tree. On the fourth day i woke up and the tree was on fire i tried to untie myself and ended up falling. When i hit the groud i heard a moan and realized i had fallen on hamon. I took of running and he scrambled after me. Overhead i heard the flutter of wings. i looked up and saw a huge red bird swoop down. I dove under a log and ran through the pine forest tward the coracopia. I saw a glass tube with a boy standing in it and realized it was jasper. I ran too him and tried to break it with a bat i found but it wouldnt break. When i touched i glass an electric shock went threw it and a word appeared. " Liar". Then the platform my brother was standing on flew up and launched my brother out of the tube. He hit the ground with a thud i heard a crack as his neck flew back. I ran up to his body and checked for a pulse. Then hamon came out from the trees. "Well thats one less brat in this world." He grabed me by my hair and bashed my head into the cornacopia. He then picked up my brother and carved into his arm the words stupid child and i blacked out. I woke up a few minutes later when hamon dunked my head into the pond. I grabed one stone and when he pulled my up i hit him in the tempol. He was stuned for a moment and then he drove his knife into my side and droped me. Then i saw my brother hanging from the cornacopia with his leg missing. "I though id have a snack while you slept." Said hamon memacingly. I had heard he was eating people but i thought it was just a rumor. Then i felt anger and adrinaline build in my gut i riped out of my side and slashed hamons throat. He stumbled backward and i punched him. Then he fell and i bent down and grabed his toung and cut itvout of his mouth. He tried to hit me but i was to quick. I blocked his shot and then pierced his toung with the knife and drove it into forhead.

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