The First Day

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Kara and i were woken up at 5 in the morning and rushed into our styalists. I aperently looked terrible because when i walked in half asleep the first thing eliot said was. "What in Gods name happend to you?"

After that i was rushed into the shower. I got dressed it was a heavy suit so im gessing its going to be cold. I got in the tube and eliet said good by. When i saw light a sharp bitter coldness stung my face. We were in the middle of a blizzard. Huge evergreen trees encircled us. In the middle of the arena was a huge cornocopia. I didnt see much food mostly weapons but the one thing i saw and wanted was the pile of rope, matches, a sleepingbag,and a backpack. When the gong rang i ran straight for the pile everyone els went for the weapons. Out of the corrner of my eye i was Karra. She had made friends with the tributes from 1 2 and 3. When she got to the cornacopia she grabed the set of 12 throwing knives. A small boy no older than twelve went to the pile next to me. I imediatly recognized him as a boy from district 12. Peter Melark ( petas brother for those of you who cant put 2 and 2 together) i think was his name. Kara threw a knife at me and almost hit peter but i draged him to the trees before she could throw another one. Then we decided it would be best to work together for a while. We ran untill we found a little cave with two entrances i disguysed one end to look like a pile of rocks while peter set a trap at the other end. We opened our back packs and found food water a canteen two extra blanket each and a few knives. I opened my food sack and found beef jerkey. I figured it was like fish jerkey so i tryedcsome and it was AWSOME. After that we opened my sleeping bag and i took the first watch while he slept.

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