how long its been

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Sat. Dec 8. 2018

It's been a holy hell of a year. Smoked pot. Drank myself silly. Made alot of mistakes....and some unforgettable moments

Laying in bed with my women. Light peaking through the window.  She can be the most unbearable pain in the ass. But she is a part of me. And I mean it. I don't know how to explain it but I've dreamt more of her than I have food. Guns. Or my own mother. And nothing tops the three. I hope things work out. We have rough spots but. Dosent everyone?

Even the thought of my plan b of moving to my dad's (I'm living with her now if I didn't mention it) makes me feel so fucking anxious and tired. I'd rather just deal with what makes us spread apart. 

Look there's so much to be told but so little words to say it with

To sum it up I have to live life or start dying it but I can't tell which ones the sweeter option but I'm in good spirits.

A few things on my life as of now

Job: sucks with shit co workers and barley enough tips to make up for the wage cut tips are designed to cover's mine ya know? I'm taking pride in what I do and how well I do it but damn is it hard deny it's kinda fun. Sub shops are only as good as you make em

Fammily: things are going good. I know I can make a better relationship of my brother but I don't have the time

Living situation. Between probably gonna stay at a friend's between my living sitch now and next at the end of the month. To the prospect of living at my dad's I had for a month there

And final message: for those of you whose read since the beginning are you entertained? Or bored

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