No One Controls Me - Part 1

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Y/N: "You're only 11 year's old and having sex with people for money?!?"

Ana (sister): "Well I need money, mom can't provide for us and you are barely working!"

Y/N: "I try to provide for you and you're brother's and sister's, mom just get's drunk and can barely provide for herself, and all you are gonna do is just use that money for weed and we can use it for food or maybe for the things we need!!"

Ana: "So I don't see you giving me money for what I want!"

Tears start rolling down my cheeks I think to myself 'I don't want her to turn out like mom'.

Ana: "I'm going to my room you figure it out because you can't stop what I do!!"

Y/N: "This is the same way mom acts tonight if she tries to hit you don't expect me to help because you're so ungrateful!!"

Ana: "Good on top of that don't help with anything at all!!!"

She slams the door right in my face all I could feel was anger and sadness and I always promised I would never let mom lay a hand on anyone of them.
If she did I would fight back and do more worse if she ever did hit them, after I think about what I found out Ana was doing I just tried to fall asleep but couldn't so I just listened to music.
Then right when I was about to fall asleep I heard my door creek.

Jordan (brother): "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Yeah Jordan",
I get up quickly,

Jordan: "I had a bad dream" ,
I see his eyes I can see the fear in them.

Y/N: "Come here you can sleep with me for the night",
I open the blanket waiting for him to enter, then when he was inside the blanket I wrap my arms around him and i kiss his head and he says..

Jordan: "Goodnight Y/N I love you."

Y/N: "I love you too

The Next Day...

I wake up and I don't find Jordan next to me I freak out for like 2 seconds then he runs into the room and says....

Jordan: "Get up we got to get ready for school."

Y/N: "Oh shit...I forgot wake up you're brother and you're sister's."

Jordan: "Ana is awake so is Addison."

Y/N: "Ok wake the rest of them up and bring me you're clothes so I can put them on."

Jordan: "Ok Y/N."
He runs out of the room I get dressed and ready then about 2 minutes later Jordan and Addison (sister) come to the room.

Addison: "I woke up early but mom was awake which is so weird because she is always asleep at this time."

Y/N: "Did you guys talk? Come here jordan."
I grab Jordan's shirt and put it on as I'm listening to Addison.
Addison: "Not really she was with this guy though but I didn't recongize him i think anyone of mom's man hor-"
I Cut her off,
Y/N: "Watch what you say."

Addison: "Ok whatever anyway she said "hi get ready to go to school" the guy gave me a friendly look he seemed nice and sweet and innocent."

Y/N: "What did I say about people?"

She rolls her eyes,
Addison: "Don't trust the first person who looks innocent yes I know."

Y/N: "Yes, can you call Joel in here really fast?"

Addison: "Ok for what?"

Y/N: "I need to talk to him."

Addison: "Ok be right back."

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