All Things Come To Those Who Ache Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to Koky

When Roy returned inside the mansion he automatically went to Diggle, explaining what happened. The yelling had stopped and the guests who witnessed the commotion went back to enjoying the party without giving it another thought. Since Oliver and Quentin had distanced themselves from the music they were unaware of the events that occurred during their conversation and Laurel was now sitting on the floor against the wall she had been at the entire time. Feeling guilty, Oliver was still chatting with Quentin during their walk back to Laurel.  

“I’m sorry Mr. Lance; I didn’t think she would slip. She’s been pretty good over these past few months. I thought she was fine.”  Quentin looking ahead spotted Laurel, and discontinued his walk, watching her in the distance.

“She was, but that’s the problem with alcoholics Oliver, they tend to slip up, till they can overcome it completely. It’s not easy. Trust me, I know, I’ve been there. I was stupid to think she’d recover so quickly, I just wanted my daughter to get better.” He gave Oliver his attention. “Don’t blame yourself, this wasn’t your fault, you couldn’t have known this was gonna happen. You did enough…I’ll take it from here.” He placed out his palm, and Oliver looking down reached in his pocket taking out Laurel’s car keys. “Thanks.” Oliver nodded and Quentin left his side. His face straight while he viewed Quentin attempting to lift Laurel.

“Oliver! Oliver!” He heard in the distance and turning around completely he saw Diggle urgently approaching him.

“Diggle what’s wrong?”

“Its’ Felicity man, she’s, she’s gone.”

“Gone? What do you mean gone? Gone where?”

“She left, she went home. She was upset about you and Laurel.”

“There is no me and Laurel.”

“Maybe you should tell her that, because that’s what she thinks. She won’t listen to anyone but you.” Oliver sighed. “You remember our deal?” Oliver looked at him sharply. “Good. Because you still haven’t done it Oliver. And the night’s not over. Here…go fix it.” Diggle handed Oliver his car keys.

“What’s this?” He looked at the keys.

“Take my car, I drove you here remember. Your car’s at my place, and I doubt you have time to go to the garage picking out a new one.”

“Thanks Dig.” They smirked at each other.

“You owe me, go get her.” He patted Oliver on the side of his arm and Oliver started to walk off. “Don’t forget her gift and bring my car back! I’m not staying here all night!” He yelled out smiling as he watched Oliver work his way through the crowd.

Overhearing Diggle he ran upstairs to his bedroom closet reaching up for the gift. After grabbing it he sighed while holding it in his hands. Being a little nervous he nodded to himself positively, and raced back downstairs. After finding Diggle’s car he jumped inside, turning it on and placed the present safely on the floor of the passenger’s side. With snow lightly covering the window, he turned on the wipers and without another thought he sped off to Felicity’s house. Not wanting to make the same mistake twice in the same day, he was determined to get her. He left his mansion, he left his guests, and he definitely left his party.

Still disappointed from the night, Felicity had just arrived home. Walking inside, she turned on her living room lamp for dim lighting and took off her coat. She hung it on the coat rack and placed her purse on the coffee table. Glancing at her window seal she went to her kitchen drawer and grabbed her 14’ inch long Scripto lighter for her Menorah. Before lighting her last candle she walked over to her stereo turning on her hooked up iPod. She scrolled through her list of music choices, and selected her Soothing category. “What to play? What to play?” She thought. She stood there going through it before finally deciding what song she wanted to hear first. “Haven’t heard this is awhile.” She said to herself. Touching the screen she picked Say Something by A Great Big World. After selecting it she put the iPod setting on shuffle and waited for the song to play. “Say something I’m giving up on you. I’ll be the one if you want me to, anywhere I would’ve followed you, say something I’m giving up on you.” She smiled listening to the intro and sang along until the first verse before heading back to her menorah on the window seal. Picking up her lighter she carefully proceeded to light the wick.

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