Ch.8 Confessions

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"It's not what you think"

"By all the loud moaning and groaning that was coming from your room I think it is. You know are rooms are right next to each other's right?"

"I can explain"

"Go ahead"

"Maybe I can't explain."

"Why didn't you tell me you were gay. You know I wouldn't care"

"I didn't even know I was till a few days ago."

"Was he your boyfriend?" By he she meant Derek.

"Sort of" I don't think she would understand friends with benefits. It's a complicated situation.

"I always thought you'd end up with Ben instead. It's obvious that he likes and probably has been crushing on you for years"

"Really? I never noticed"

"Because you're the most oblivious person in the world"

"That is very kind of you to say my not rude at all sister" I said sarcastically

"Whatever. Your sort of boyfriend is pretty hot though."

"Don't you have a boyfriend?"

"Not important right now. Tell me about yo man" Man? Why is she trying to act ghetto?

"We met at school. We didn't really get along when we first met but after learning a few secrets we had an understanding. We later found this sudden sort of intimacy" I found a way to make the most messed up love story actually sound relatable. I'm a genius and I await your praise.

"Have you guys had sex yet. Always use a condom when you do"

"It's not like he's going to get me pregnant"

"You can still get diseases. Do you pay attention in Sex Ed at all?"

"Like I pay attention in any class" I always get B's anyway. No need to actually put effort.

"True. But still use a condom"

"We haven't had sex yet and I don't plan to anytime soon" That's definitely a lie but my sister doesn't need to know my sex life. Or at least when it starts. But with how big Derek is she might notice me limping like a eighty year old woman than needs a walker.

"Good.  I don't want that guy using you"

"It's fine. I have everything under control"

"I still don't trust that guy"

"He has a name and it's Derek" I don't know why I'm defending him but I feel offended when my sister insults him.

"Calm down. I did't mean to offend you at all. It's just I get a feeling of him. It's not a good feeling"

"Well thanks for the talk officially new mother but I think I can handle it"

"Whatever. If you get hurt that's not my problem" My sister left my room and slammed the door.

What's with people and slamming doors today?

First Ben and now...

Oh shit! That was why I thought the conversation with Derek felt familiar.

I now have two friends with benefits.

Should I tell them about each other?

No. They wouldn't be ok with it. Guys are super possessive. And secretly I love that

It's not like they'll suspect a thing anyway. Ben thinks I hate Derek and Derek doesn't even know Ben exists.

They are from two completely different realms yet they both want me in them. This is weird.

Will I eventually have to choice one?

I probably will but I'm going to milk this out as long as I can.

As selfish as it is, I don't want to give up either one of them. And I don't plan on ever doing that.


Tell me what you guys thought of this chappie please. I love comments and comments make me happy (*≧▽≦)

I'm thinking about changing the name of the story to Friends With Benefits. Comment if you think it's a good or bad idea.

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