Ch.15 I Have Good News, Bad News, and Abnormal News

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*Still Derek's Pov*

"Justin we need to get you to a hospital quickly!" I paced around his room thinking about what I should do for him

"Do you mean me?"

"Yes. Your name is Justin and my name is Derek"

"Oh. Nice to meet you then"

"We've already met before"

"I think I would have remembered meeting someone like you"

"Ugh No you wouldn't have. And what do you mean someone like me?"

"A tall, hot jock that could beat up three people at once without breaking a sweat"

That's what he thinks about me? I'm happy about the hot part obviously but does he think I'm just some ruthless jock

That's not important right now. I need to focus at the task at hand

I need to get his sister. She'd know what to do

"Stay right here. I'm going to get your sister"

"What do you need Jasmine for?"

"You remember her?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I remember my sister?"

"Because you couldn't even remember your own name"

"I know it now. It's Jake"

"Your name is Justin. Just. In" I said his name slowly so he could remember

"Got it"

I ran down the stairs looking for Jasmine to find her lying down on a couch reading a book

"There's something wrong with your brother!" I yelled

"You have a lot of nerve to come and disrespect my brother in my house" Oh. She must have thought I meant that in a mean way

"No. I mean he's sick or something. He says he forgot his own name"

"Are you sure he's not trying to get you back for being a douche?"

"Yes! Come see for you'reself"

"Whatever. You better not be lying or I'm going to punch you in the throat"

She followed me upstairs into Justin's room

Some how he fell back asleep in the two minutes I was gone

"Justin wake up" I shook him but he squirmed under me trying to cover his face with his blanket

"Let me sleep!"

"How did you fall asleep in less than two minutes?" I mutter mostly to myself

What am I going to do with him?

"Are you sure your mouth is clean now?"

"Yeah why..?" I pressed my lips on his hard and he relaxed into the kiss giving me control

His sister faked coughed loudly and ruined the moment

"So after you guys finish with... that would you mind explaining to me what is wrong with my brother?"

"On yeah that. He forgot a lot of stuff that happened today. He even had a hard time remembering his name. We have to take him to a doctor"

"Let me make sure before things get too serious. Stand outside of the room"

"Okay" I left the room and stood at the door wondering what she was doing

"You can come back in now"


"He definitely has amnesia. I'm going to get my mom and we're taking him to a hospital to get a diagnostic. You should come as well"


"The doctor will probably ask you some questions about how he was acting when you were first talking to him. Don't think I'm letting you come because I like you"

"Okay?" I have a feeling she doesn't like me. It must be just a hunch

*Jasmine's Pov (she's super smart and stuff)*

"I don't want to see the doctor. I want a peanut butter sandwich"

"You're allergic to peanut butter"

"Are you sure? I pretty sure I've had peanut butter before"

"You have. And you almost died because your tongue swelled up to a point we considered cutting it off to save you"

"Fine. I won't have peanut butter then" he pouted still considering whether to eat a peanut sandwich when I wasn't looking or not

I knew him so well that I could figure out his thoughts by his facial expressions

We were at the hospital and we were currently waiting for the doctor to give us the test results

As much as I don't like that dimwitted jock my brother's dating he had some important information so I saw it fit to allow him to come

It may seem as though I 'mother' Justin but the kid his practically a child and I wonder if he can brush his teeth without out me telling him the toothbrush goes in his mouth

I do sometimes have fun with him and mess around

Like the time when he was eight I told him a unicorn's horn was called a dick and he ran around the house with his finger on his forehead yelling he had a little dick on his face

My mom was afraid that someone was trying to abuse him and the neighbors complained all day

Good times

The doctor came out of his office and holding a clipboard containing the diagnostic

"I have good news, bad news, and abnormal news"

"Let's start of with the bad news" my mother said

"The bad news is that your son has fickle amnesia. He will randomly forget things often and later remember them. The range of these missing memories can go from his early childhood to five minutes from now"

"What about the good news?" I asked

"The good news is that this is only temporary and hopefully will go away"

"What about the abnormal news" Derek asked

"Ah yes. The abnormal news. This is very rare among human beings. Mr. Giovanni here somehow is pregnant"


Me: "I'll have to take responsibility. I'm the one that impregnated Justin"

Jasmine: "Excuse me but who are you?"

Me: "I'm the baby daddy"

Jasmine: "So you're the guy I have to

kill for getting my brother knocked up"

Me: "Did I say baby daddy? I meant I'm a doctor that works here. I should be going now. I have other patients to attend to. Bye!" *runs off quickly and curses loudly when trips on shoelace"

Justin: "That guy looks familiar"

~Love T

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