Ch.19 Cheater Cheater

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*Derek's Pov (this is going to be... interesting (*^・ェ・)ノ *

Ugh mornings suck. Especially since it's Monday. Why we even have school on Monday. No one wants to work on Monday anyway so it's just a waste of time getting up. I still did get up though

I need to get more responsible now that the baby should be due anytime on the next two weeks

It's going to be a boy. There weren't any female genes to be passed done to him so his sex was determined as a boy from the start

Speaking of sex since Justin's preggers I have to be 'relieving myself' without his help

I still need to find that guy that took that picture of me jacking off. He might use it as black mail and I have a lot to deal with already

The guy had curly ginger hair, pale-ish skin, and little freckles all over his face. He looked cute over all but I still need to make sure that pic is deleted. People already know I'm gay and are disgusted by that. I don't need people to know I jerk off

I got ready for school and ate a bowl of chocolate chip cookies. I'm not the type of person that eats a 'healthy breakfast' ;-;

I hopped in my blue Maserati and drove to school. Traffic was being a bitch so I took a short cut through someone's lawn. I seriously need to work on the whole responsible thing

I walked into school and people seemed to either ease down about the whole me being gay thing or just don't care anymore

I had about twenty minutes to my first class started. I might as well look for the kid who was peeking through my window

I searched around the whole school but still couldn't find anyone. I has five minutes left and couldn't find him

I bump it a guy a bit smaller than me "Sorry dude" I mutter and then got a good look at him

It was the guy! I could tell by his easy to notice ginger hair sticking through his hood

I picked him up and threw him over my shoulder and locked us in the nearest school supply closet

"You have a minute to explain why you took that picture of me before I beat the living shit out of you" I growled and he gulped slowly

"I wanted to have that picture of you to stare at at night" he said shyly with his head down. I have a feeling this isn't the first picture he took off me without me knowing

"Delete it. Now" I said simply "And the others"

"Please don't make me" he said on the verge of tears

"I don't have time for this. Delete the pictures"

"Okay" he said remorsefully. He  shakingly took out his phone and I watched as he deleted several pictures of me. There were 208 of them

"I don't ever want to see you again. Got it?" I know this was harsh but this guy is a super stalker. Most of the pictures were of me sleeping or taking a shower

"But..."he stuttered

"I'm not dealing with this shit. Don't take photos of me again. You can stare or whatever but don't approach me or take anymore pictures"

"If this is the last time I'm going to talk to you" he leaned up and kissed me. I would have pushed him off if he wasn't such a good kisser and if I hadn't had some in 3 months

He grinded on my member getting me incredibly hard. I kissed back pulling his pants and underwear down getting a good view of his manhood

He pulled my pants down and sucked me hard. I was getting so close to coming. Then he pulled up

"Please fuck me" Even though I know I should refuse but I'm so horny right now I couldn't resist

I lifted him up and he wrapped his legs around my waist. I angled my member towards his ass and slammed in

He let out a cry of pain but I muffled it with my lips. I smashed into him repeatedly nonstop as he jerked himself off

"I'm going to come" he said

" Me too" I pounded into him a few more times and released deep inside of him

He released all over his stomach shooting five long come shots

I pulled out of him slowly as I became limp and I pulled up my pants

"That was amazing"

"You can't tell anyone about this. This was a one time thing and will never happen again"

He frowned but nodded

I fixed my self up so it doesn't look like I just had sex and left

I missed first and second period and third already started

How long did I fuck that guy? I don't even know his name

I feel guilty for cheating on Justin. I never meant to do it. It just happened. In my defense I did try to stop


Me: "So you'd fuck a complete stranger but not me?" I yelled at Derek

Derek: "It was an accident! I'm not going to cheat on Justin twice with two stalkers"

Me: "I'm not a stalker. I just like watching your lives without you knowledge"

Derek: "I'm going to go to class before I do something I'll regret, again"

Me: "You'll never regret this" *does a stripper dance but slips and falls on back*

~Love T

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