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Some would say it was a blessing; Others would say it's a curse. Alex would say it's a burden really. Her mother would always warn her to stay away from the corrupt danger in the world, that the world is too vile for people like them.

"Don't talk to strangers, Alex,"

"Don't look at them, you will draw attention to yourself,"

"You need to find a strong, rich man that will do you good."

For a while, Alex used to live off everything her mother feed to her. She would walk with her head held high, with a poise step, not a hair out of place. She never let her guard falter, had a reputation to uphold. Alex learned to fake her way through the high end parties, forced a smile every so often, accustomed to men in suits trying to woo her with their wallets. Alex lived the high life, she was happy and did a good job on portraying it, she even convinced herself. But she knew the truth in the depths of her chaotic mind, she was was terrified. Terrified of humanity that traps her from every corner. A terrified girl trapped a planned out story. No free will, no happy ending, just Alex in her warped prestigious life.

She still is terrified, but not of the danger that surrounds her, not from the pressure of her family. She's Terrified of herself.

Alex looks up from the ground, her breathing heavy, lungs gasping for some form of relief. She opens her eyes and looks around from her position on the concrete, hands dropping from her ears, screams of fear flooded her ears.

Fear of me.

Nameless faces crowd around Alex, creating distance between themselves and Alex,  but lurking to see what happens next. Fear apparent on the faces of many people that enclosed her; She couldn't blame them, she would be a hypocrite if she did. Soft mummers and voices seep it's way into her head and her hands instantly fly up to her ears desperately trying to block out the voices. Their voices. Nameless faces take one last look at Alex before they start running. They know what's about to happen, they know that she is dangerous. The voices get louder whispering vile thoughts into her brain. Alex's body starts to shake, vision going fuzzy. A high pitch scream leaves my mouth and the wind around me picks up causing mayhem to everything in it's path. "STOP PLEASE!" I shout to the pain that is straining my body. These attacks are normal for me. My mind tormenting me, knowing it has control, but never had I had one in public, nor in the middle of the city. That would expose me. I hear the sirens descending their way down the chaotic roads to capture me. "No, no please.." I whispered to myself. I can't be taken away and locked up, i'll hurt to many people.

I attempt to stand, to run. The pain is over baring but I push myself to run and hide. I approach the barrier of people that circle me. Some run and some try to stop me. Some one grabs me, locking me in their hold trying to contain me, I scream and yell telling them to let me go. He ignored my protests, dragging me towards the police that have just parked a hundred yards away. I look into the young mans eyes, with no other option, I harden my gaze. He falls to the ground instantly screaming at the pain he was enduring, but I didn't care I needed to escape. I pushed against the wall of people who were trying to gain control over me. Good luck, my mind has already taken control, I thought to myself. The voices were getting louder and the pain was getting stronger, it was too much. I plummet back down to the cold hard surface of the road. My body shakes with agony, ready to combust with rage. It's no use. I can't do this any more. I close my eyes and welcome the pain. I must deserve this life. I must have done something to piss off the gods above, what for; I yet to discover. I lay there my hands over my ears and whisper one last plead.

"Help me.."

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