The Introduction.

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My name's Wednesday Addams (no relation to the one your thinking). I have a twin sister called Sunday Addams. Now I know what you're thinking "her family must be really messed up to name their children after days of the week". Well I used to think that too. Until my Mum sat us down one day and explained it to us.

It turned out my Mum and Dad met on a Sunday and got married on a Wednesday so they named us after those important events. They obviously never saw the implications of my name.

Me and my sister are very close. We share secrets and think the same. There wasn't anything either of us knew that the other didn't. We were identical twins. Well except from I had black straight hair and she had blonde curly hair. We both had green eyes, pale skin and freckles when it was sunny.

But I digress. When we turned 18 we got a house together in Chicago, one of the many places we had dreamed of visiting, and now, nearing our 19th birthday, we were still here.

"Sunday! Get out of bed we're going to be late!" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Coming, coming! Just finishing my hair." Sunday replied.

I heard rushing coming from her room and was satisfied that she was telling the truth so left to grab my bag. Today was our first day at work. We were working in a pet shop a couple of streets down from where we lived. It was our first job since we got out of school and we were excited. Apparently not excited enough to get up in time though...

"Ready! Let's go!" Sunday chimed skipping to the front door.

I grabbed my bag and followed her. We've always been together. We went to the same school, took the same classes, double dated, even in the same form wherever we went. We were insperable. The only difference between us was that I was scared of spiders and she was scared of wasps. That was it though.So it only made sense to get a job at the same place.

"We'll make it in plenty of time. If you don't drag your feet that is." she muttered back to me.

"I wouldn't have to worry about dragging my feet if you woke up on time." I sniped back.

She laughed, grabbed my hand and set off running.

She was right of course, we got there with three minutes to spare so we spent that time to fix our appearances before going to collect our duties.We had to re-stock the shelves, clean the cages, feed the animals, worm the cats and make some calls. Should be fun.

I was sat at the desk dealing with a customer when three people wandered in. Now it's not that people were rare in this shop, believe me there was barely a moment of peace, but these people caught my attention for a different reason. They seemed flawless, strange maybe, and worst of all they were wearing the most unfashionable suits I have ever seen.

I laughed out loud before slapping a hand across my mouth to silence myself. But it was too late. The boy with short brown hair, brown eyes and a bowler hat snapped his head round to look at me. I lowered my gaze to the till and counted out my customers change.

"Thank you for coming. We look forward to seeing you again." I said and watched the man leave.

When I turned back to the shop the boy who had noticed me laughing was leaning against the counter. He made me jump slightly and I leaned back in my chair with a hand on my chest. Now it was his time to laugh. I narrowed my eyes and leaned toward him.

"Can I help you?" I said pursing my lips.

This made him grin. I couldn't help but smile too and instantly cursed myself for giving it away.

"Yes I think you could. How much are your kittens?" he asked pushing off the counter and glancing at his friends.

I raised an eyebrow. He didn't look like someone who would be interested in a kitten.

"£70. Anything else?"

"How old are they?"

"8 weeks old." I stated crossing my arms across my chest.

"We'd like the little tortoiseshell girl please." he said and pulled out his wallet.

I sighed and pressed the buzzer under the counter. Sunday came rushing out and looked at me.

"You buzzed?" she asked.

"Yeah these guys want to buy the tortoiseshell kitten. Grab me a box please?"

"Sure. Be right back."

With that she rushed off into the storage room again. When I looked back the boy was staring at me with a confused look on his face.

"You two looked awfully similar."

"We're twins. We're practically inseparable." I explained waving a hand.

Luckily Sunday came back then which meant I wasn't going to have to continue talking to him. He was a nice enough guy I was just never good with talking to people.

"Which one was it?" Sunday asked the boy.

At that moment the boy with the white fur shawl, brown pinstripe suit, bowlers hat and long, curly brown hair turned around and rushed to us. He cut in front of the one at the counter and turned to smile at Sunday.

"We would like the Tortoiseshell one please. My name's William by the way. William Beckett." he said and took one of her hands before kissing it and letting her take it back.

I rolled my eyes at this. We've been flirted with many times. Most boys think that because we're twins we wont mind threesomes or something of the sort. We do. We won't ever do anything like that.

"Sunday. Sunday Addams. And this is my twin sister Wednesday." she said gesturing to me.

The boy who had been talking to me looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Wednesday Addams?" he asked.

"Yeah. No relation to the character. Anyway. Sunday go get the kitten please."

She nodded and rushed off to grab the kitten, followed by Beckett, while the boy paid. When handing me the money he continued to stare at me. I almost caved but I saw William hand Sunday a piece of card and raised an eyebrow but before I could ask William and the boy I hadn't met were leaving and the one at the counter was holding out an hand.

"I'm Brendon Urie by the way. It was a pleasure to meet you Wednesday." he said, shook my hand and left.

"You too!" I called to his back before turning to Sunday.

"Well that was weird." I stated.

"You're telling me." she replied.

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