First Love

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Sehun quickly pulled his lips away from my lips when I opened my eyes. I said with annoyance, "Yaa, Oh Sehun... Did you just kiss me?... Do you want to die?" Sehun ignored me, he walked to my desk, then he started studying for his test.

I wiped my lips and said irritably, "If you do that again, I swear I will kick you out of my house! Urghhh! You just ruined the happiness of my first kiss!" I nagged at Sehun for about 10 minutes continuously but Sehun ignored me and tried hard to focus on his study.

"What a silly boy... You should have saved your first kiss for the girl you like... Why did you waste your first kiss on me like that? You really don't understand anything, do you? You're indeed just a kid," I grumbled in my heart.

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Kris talked to my dad about his intention to have a relationship with me. My dad was really fond of Kris, so he allowed me and Kris to be in a relationship.

I accidentally met Soobin at the supermarket when I was shopping ingredients for making a chocolate cake. Soobin and I had not met each other after she had moved to another high school 3 years ago. We were so happy we could meet each other again.

Soobin told me that she majored photography at college and already had a boyfriend. I told Soobin that I majored economics at college. I also told Soobin about Kris. Since I wanted to go home quickly to make the chocolate cake, Soobin decided to come with me to my house so we could chat longer.

30 minutes later.

"Welcome to my tiny bird cage, Soobin-ah," I said when Soobin and I arrived home. "Eeeyyy, don't say that... Although your house is small but it's cozy and tidy," said Soobin. Soobin and I went to the kitchen, then I started making chocolate cake while Soobin only watched me.

Soobin asked, "How is Sehun doing?" "Well... He is still annoying," I replied. Soobin asked again, "What grade is he in right now?" "9th grade. He will enter high school very soon," I replied. "So, he is 5 years younger than us," said Soobin. "Actually, 4 years... He repeated 4th grade, he didn't attend school for months because he was put into the children mental rehabilitation center, also because of the things that happened with his uncle's family," I explained. Soobin nodded in understanding.

Sehun came to the kitchen to drink a glass of water. When Sehun was about to leave the kitchen, Soobin said, "Woahh, our Sehunnie has grown up so much that he is taller than us now." Sehun stopped his steps, then he turned to Soobin and smiled briefly at Soobin. "Our Sehunnie is so cute... I wish I have a younger brother like him," said Soobin. "Then you can adopt him. I will be happy if you do that," I said. Sehun looked at me in silence, then he left the kitchen.

"Look at how annoying he is... His expression is always flat like that whenever he looks at me or talks to me," I said. "Maybe you just need to treat him better, then he will smile at you," Soobin replied with laughter.

"What will you give to your boyfriend on valentine's day?" I asked, changing the topic. "Chocolate muffins," Soobin replied. "I will introduce Kris to you someday," I said with a smile. Soobin said excitedly, "Why don't we have a double date on valentine's day? What do you think?" "Sounds good," I replied gladly.

Soobin went home after my chocolate cake was done. I dragged Sehun to go with me to the beauty salon to get my hair cut and I told Sehun to get his hair cut too, then I forced him to accompany me to buy a dress.

I tried white dress then asked Sehun's opinion. "Ugly," said Sehun. I tried blue dress then asked, "How about this one?" Sehun shook his head. I tried pink dress then said, "This one is cute, isn't it?" Sehun replied, "Not cute." I sighed while thinking, "Taking him with me to ask his opinion is a big mistake... I should have left him alone at home."

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