Summer Vacation

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Sehun was sitting on the sofa in the living room while talking on the phone when I arrived home from work. "You guys just go without me... Okay, bye," Sehun said on the phone, then he hung up. I said, "You should go out with your friends. Don't spend summer holiday at home. How can you get a girlfriend if you always stay at home? Are you not jealous of your friends who already have a girlfriend?" "I have noona, I don't need a girlfriend," Sehun replied while turning on the TV.

I sat next to Sehun on the sofa. I looked at Sehun and asked, "How long are you going to like me?" "Until noona likes me back," Sehun replied while watching TV. I said, "Sehun-ah, don't waste your precious time on me. I will never like you back because you are just a boy in my eyes. Don't you get it?" Sehun said without looking at me, "I don't care. I will follow noona wherever noona goes. My eyes will only look at noona. I wanna be the only person noona can rely on." "You will get tired of me one day, believe me," I said. Sehun turned to me and said, "Noona will fall in love with me one day, believe me." I sighed and said, "Let's stop this." I really didn't like to have endless conversations, it irritated me.

My cellphone rang. I picked up the call and I heard Soobin speaking over the phone, "Yuri-ah, I have talked to my appa and asked permission to take you with me for a summer trip. Don't worry about money, it's all on me. You will go with me, right?" I said on the phone, "What about Kyungsoo? Is he going too?" "Of course," Soobin replied over the phone. "Then no thanks, I don't wanna come with you just to see you and Kyungsoo doing lovey dovey things," I said on the phone. "Chanyeol is also coming with us. Kyungsoo and Chanyeol will share a room and I want to share a room with you," Soobin said over the phone. "Okay, if Chanyeol goes then I will go too," I said on the phone. "I will pick you up later. We will go from Saturday to Tuesday. See you on Saturday morning, bye," Soobin said over the phone. "Okay, bye," I said on the phone, then I hung up.

I said, "Sehun-ah, noona will go with Soobin for a summer trip from Saturday to Tuesday. You better go with your friends too, go and have some fun, okay?" Sehun grabbed his cellphone then made a call. "Hello... Jongin-ah, I changed my mind. I will go with you guys... Okay, see you on Saturday," Sehun said on the phone, then he hung up. "Good boy," I said with a smile.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After waiting for 2 hours, I phoned Soobin, "Soobin-ah, where are you? Will you pick me up or not?" Soobin talked over the phone, "Eh?? What do you mean by picking you up? I'm already at the airport with Kyungsoo and Chanyeol now. Our Sehunnie called me 1 hour ago, he told me that you're sick. So Chanyeol, Kyungsoo and I will go without you. Get well soon, Yuri-ah." "Ahh, okay. Thanks... Have fun you all," I said on the phone sadly, then I ended the call.

Sehun came out from the bathroom and I scolded him, "Yaa! Oh Sehun!! Why did you tell Soobin that I'm sick??" Sehun ignored me, he went into my bedroom and came out from my bedroom with my backpack on his shoulder. I asked, "What are you gonna do with my backpack?" Sehun took his backpack, then he held my hand and said, "Come on, noona." I was puzzled, "Eh?" Sehun smiled at me, then he dragged me to walk with him to the main road.

A white minivan stopped before Sehun and me. The car window glass was lowered. The guy who drove the minivan said with a smile, "Sehun-ah, hurry up get in the car. We still need to pick up Jongin."


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