Chapter Five: Rhysand * Part Three

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I remained in the library for a while longer before returning to the House of Wind. When I did, Az was waiting for me. "I assume Cassian filled you in?" He nodded. "Good. I want your contacts in the other courts on alert for anything strange. Anything at all. Whether it's related or not, I want to know. And keep an eye on the mortal territories. This may not be restricted to Prythian."

Azriel bowed his head in acknowledgment and left the house. My stomach rumbled. I'd been in the library all day without any break for meals. I headed for the kitchen, hoping for something other than Illyrian suspicion to occupy my mind. Perhaps Aelin would be there. That would certainly occupy my mind.

I arrived at the kitchen not to find Aelin, but Amren instead. She didn't look up as I entered, just continued to glare at the goblet of wine she was swirling around.

"How's the wine?" I asked, snatching the bottle and seating myself at the counter next to her.

"Awful," she groused. "How do you drink this garbage?"

I laughed. "Not quite like blood, is it?"

Amren snarled in response. "Get what you want and leave, Rhysand."

"Perhaps what I want is your company."

She pointed to the door. "Out."

"What's got you in such a foul mood?" I puttered around the kitchen, piling some bread and cheese and fruit on a plate. "Cassian? Mor? Lucien?" I chuckled. "No. Even Lucien wouldn't dare test your limits. So what is it?"

"The one that breathes fire out her nose. The bitch queen," Amren growled. "Prying, nosy... If I didn't know any better, I'd say she was Illyrian."

I tilted my head, pondering it. "She's not quite attractive enough to be an Illyrian."

She threw a napkin at me. "She's certainly arrogant enough."

I laughed again. "Speaking of Aelin, do you know where she is? You've clearly seen her recently. I have some questions for her." I tore off a chunk of bread and popped it into my mouth. It was fairly bland, but it could have been sawdust for all my stomach cared. Any food would taste fantastic at this point.

Amren jerked her chin at the ceiling. "Last I saw her, she was in the library." She crooked a finger at me. "But don't come crying to me when she dives her nose into your business."

I finished up my meal and placed my dishes in the sink. Then I left Amren on her own and went off to find the fire breathing bitch queen. Like Amren had said, she was in the library, curled up on an armchair with a book in hand. But unlike I'd expected, she wasn't alone.

"Afternoon, ladies," I greeted.

Nesta flashed me a glare and walked off to 'find' something. Aelin grinned. "Afternoon, Your Magnificent Resplendence. What can My Loveliness help you with?"

I quirked an eyebrow. "'Your Magnificent Resplendence'? That's a new one."

She smirked. "I keep a list of pompous, outrageous titles. Right next to my list of territorial Fae bastards."

I barked a laugh. "Of course. And I suppose I'm on that list?"

She looked insulted. "Why of course! You've almost got the top spot."

"Oh? And who's beating me out?"

Aelin narrowed her eyes, debating whether to take my challenge. I knew exactly who was on the top of that list. I just wanted to see if she'd say it or if she'd change the subject. "The most territorial Fae bastard there ever was: Rowan gods-damned Whitethorn."

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