Let's fool them all,dilly,dilly

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That man stayed for days,I didn't realize why till one day I heard him and my mother talking...Or should I say that he was singing to her?A love song!

  When I am King,
Dilly dilly,
You shall be Queen.

Who told you so,
Dilly dilly,
Who told you so?

T'was my own heart,
Dilly dilly,
That told me so.

She was laughing...For real this time!

''Come with me,My daughter will need a mother!Kind and beautiful like you!''

''I don't know Charles...You know,my daughters and I we are starting get used to this life...And you know,they lost a father,and you are sick!I don't think so...''

''If you stay with me when I am gone,everything!My entire fortune will belong to you...''

 She said yes,not because she loved him but she found a way atlast to have a normal life.

''What do you think about this strange man?'' Drizella asked me one day

''I don't know Drizella,but he wants to take us away from here!'' 

''Well he will bring us presents for sure!''

 You should get something...I wasn't happy with the situation at all because a week ago I met someone,and with that I mean someone from the other gender!His name was Rob and he was the stable boy!
Like a twelve year old I wouldn't dare to fall for a boy but for the first time i had a person who understood me.

"Hey!Is it true your mother killed your father and she raised you to be a murderer yourself?"

"Who told you that?"

"Mr.Non of your business,so is it true?"

"Non of your business"

"Don't worry i am not afraid of you,I am Lucifer you see..."

"Isn't he the devil or something?"

"Yes and i have the power to guess who is bad or good!"

"Then what am I?"

"You are a girl,girls can't hurt a fly!"

"Let's find out then" I said and I was chasing him for hours,that's how we meet!

  Everyday me and Rob we were playing until midnight! For the first time in my life I had a friend...

''Why do you have to go?''

''Who says that?'' 

''I heard some peasants talking about it!''

''They said a wealthy man bought your mother,and that you are leaving for another kingdom''

''My mother isn't for sale you dumb ass''

How little did I knew then...I couldn't imagine that the reason that me,my mother,and my sister were living to that farm was because my mother was giving pleasure to insatiable men like Ella's father  just for a place to live,and that she would do anything to change that,

even marrying a man that she barely knew. 

So yes my mother was neither a lady anymore ,neither a murderer but a prostitute that made a nobleman fall in love with her!

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