Two: magic bean

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I stare at the red flames licking the wood. Fire was so beautiful but yet so dangerous.

"Not much of a party girl, eh?"

I look up and smile. It was bobby.

"Never really have been, I guess." I admit

"Me neither. The loud noise and the heat, it's too much." He shudders

I look at the crowd of ecstatic boys. "What are we celebrating?"

Bobby smiles "your arrival. We've never had a girl on the island before."

My eyes widen in shock "so you haven't seen a girl in years?"

Bobby shakes his head.

It all makes sense now. The stares and the flirtatious winks. These boys hadn't been in the presence of a girl for merlin knows how long. And that made me uncomfortable.


Dylan runs up to me and takes my hand "Come and Dance with me, Hope!"

I laugh and shake my head "I'll just observe, okay?"

"Pleeeease?" He whines

I smile and nod "Alright."

Dylan and I engage in a hilariously awkward dance. I spin around and we move our joined hands back and forth. The entire time nothing but laughs were heard from us. Dylan strangely reminded me of Henry, My older brother, caring and enjoyable to be around.

I look over to see pan leaning back on a log with a pipe in his hands. As he blows into it an eerie tune comes out. The song was intriguing and yet it screamed 'stay away'. When pan noticed me staring he smirked and stopped playing his instrument.

"Let's call it a night, lads." He says

The lost boys frown but not one of them protest. The fire is blown out and the boys retreat to their huts.

"You're in that one." Pan points to a rather small hut made of wood and vines

He simply gives me a slight nod of the head and goes into his own quarters.

When I go inside the little wooden structure I am surprised. A small bed sits in the back corner with a wooden chest at the bottom of it. At the side of the room there is a bare shelf.

I lie down in my bed and pull the scratchy blanket up to my chin. This would take some getting used to. I sigh and close my eyes.

Goodnight, Neverland.


I groan as the door of my hut flies open.

"Okay, girly," pan says harshly "up and at em'"

I open my eyes to see an unamused pan standing at the foot of my bed. "What time is it?"

Choosing to ignore my question he says "you have 10 minutes to get dressed and get your weapons ready." And with that he leaves.

I look over to the wooden chest at the bottom of the bed. I open it and sure enough the dress I arrived in was lying at the bottom of it. I hadn't even noticed I wasn't wearing what I arrived in.

Quickly I put on my dress and make an attempt at combing my matted hair with my fingers. I give up trying and walk out of the shelter.

As I'm walking through the camp I bump into a hard chest. I look up and utter and apology "I'm sorry!"

Ryan steps back and let's out a scoff "watch it, blondie." A slight blush appears on his cheeks.

Choosing to ignore this, I tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Do you, um, do you know where i can get a weapon?"

He nods and says "yeah."

"Are you going to tell me?" I furrow my eyebrows

He rolls his eyes and gestures for me to follow him.

I follow at a safe distance behind the rude boy, trying not to trip over any roots or stray branches.

Soon we finally arrived at a small clearing in the forest where the boys were standing waiting.

"So you've finally decided to join us?" Pan looks between Ryan and I and scoffs "choose a weapon and pay attention."

I walk past him slowly towards the weapons. Daggers and bows were laid out in front of me. Long swords and short swords lay around the edges.

Carefully i lift a cutlass and give it a few swings.

Pan raises an eyebrow and says "that one?"

I nod "yes. This one."

"Why am I not surprised?" Pan mutters. "Stupid, pirate."

I roll my eyes at the comment.

The smirk widened on the boys face as he began explaining his plan. "We're getting a bean."

I raise an eyebrow at this "a bean? You want to risk lives for a bean?"

Pan scowled "this isn't an ordinary bean, petal. This Bean is magic, it can teleport you to any realm you wish."

A few silent moments passed but Pan finally said "come on, boys. Let's get the bean."


I walk beside a lost boy. Harry, I think. He had a skinny frame and a golden hair shade.

"Harry?" I nudge him

He looks to me, surprised I was actually talking to him. "Me?"

I nod. "This bean, Pan said it can teleport, yes?"

"Well, yes but-"

"I thought Pan didn't want to leave the Island."

"He doesn't." Harry said

I frown "then why does he want the bean?"

The young boy looks around to check if anyone is listening. "Pan controls if and when people leave. It's impossible to leave without his permission, well... unless you have a Magic bean. You could say Pan wants it for the sake of power."

I nod, slowly absorbing the new information. That bean was my ticket home.

I needed that Bean.


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