Six: shadowleaf

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I run through the jungle giggling as the boys chase after me. It was that morning that they had all decided to play a game, one that involved a lot of running and a lot of teamwork and somehow I ended up on a team by myself.

When I reach a tree tall enough i climb up, about halfway and perch on a thick branch, making sure I was hidden enough but still able to spot the group running below me.

I sit on the branch for about 20 minutes and grin when I see them all stop in confusion when my tracks ended below the tree. They all look up and look through the branches. I shuffle back more but as I do so a large plant with thorns scratches my arm. I wince and look at the deep cut it's made, suddenly black veins start twisting through my arm and my stomach is in knots, my eyelids droop and I loose my balance and collapse.




I could tell that I was falling from my hiding spot but I couldn't see for sure, my eyes were shut and I had no control over my body. It was like I was asleep. I was bracing myself for the hard and painful impact of the ground but it never came.

Voices filled my ears, I couldn't make out what they were saying but one voice stuck out the most and I just about heard what it said.

"She's been cut by shadowleaf."

Shadowleaf. I only recognised that from the horrific tales my father told me of it, it was a deadly poison that only grew on Neverland and if you got cut it spread throughout your body until it reached your heart and you eventually died, the only way to stop it is to kiss your true love. The only problem is.... I haven't found them yet.

Soon, all the voices faded away and I let the silence consume me.


The minute I opened my eyes I shut them immediately. A blinding light filled the silent room. I slowly open my eyes adjusting to the light and sit up slowly.

Suddenly the door opened slowly and bobby walked in, "oh good, you're awake."

"What happened?" I groan

Bobby sat on the bed "you got cut by's a-"

"Yeah, I know what it is." I cut him off. I rest a hand on my head and wince.

Just as he was about to reply, pan enters the room and closes the door behind him.

"Bobby," he folds his arms "you can go now."

Bobby immediately stood up and nodded "yes, pan." He said. "Feel better, hope."

I smile at him as he leaves the hut. "Bye,"

I avert my eyes to the oldest lost boy infront of me. He was standing with his arms crossed and an amused expression on his face.

"Something funny?" I scoff

"It's just, you'd think that after all the tales your pirate father told you about here, you'd think to be more careful around plants!" He sat down on a chair opposite my bed

"It's not my fault. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't even be here in the first place." I roll my eyes

"I know you secretly like it here,"he smirked "petal."

He was right. The more I spend on the island I enjoy it, the more time I spend with my friends I don't want to leave. The more time I spend with him, the harder it becomes to miss my family. I needed more Neverland, more fun, more Peter.

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