Nine: goodbye Neverland

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A few more weeks passed and Peter still hadn't told Hope about her family, who were still here, by the way. He had sent them on a wild goose chase for hope, he had already won but it Amused him, watching Captain Hook traipse around his island.

The lost boys were aware of the...feelings between Hope and Pan. Although, neither had officially admitted it.

Hope thought about the almost kiss, often. Why did he turn away? What would happen if he didn't? What if her parents found out?


Hope was walking through the forest when she spotted figures gathered around a campfire.

She was too far away to tell who they were and what they were saying so she decided to get a closer look.

As she moved closer she began to hear their conversation.

"We need a plan. We can't just march in there and take her." A woman says

A man stands up "why not? She's our daughter!"

Hope gasped. "Papa?" She stepped out from behind the tree

The group spun around.

"Hope!" Emma and killian grin.

Hope runs forward and hugs her parents. "I've missed you!"

Regina embraced the girl. "It's been quiet without you!"

"We've all missed you, hope! What did you do to your hair?!" Snow ran over and embraced her granddaughter.

"Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Henry said

"I'm fine, really!" Hope said "he's really not that bad!"

Hook furrowed his eyebrows "what?"

Hope stood back and smiled "really! He's not so bad when you get to know him. And the lost boys- oh the lost boys are just the sweetest!"

Hook looked at hope "well that's lovely, darling, but we're going home now."


Emma showed Hope a magic bean.

"Where'd you get that?!" Hope gasped

"We bargained for it at home." Emma said and threw it down so the portal opened.

Killian offered hope his hook to hold but hope took a step back.

"Hope, lets go." David said

"I-I want to stay." She didn't know what came over her. But she wanted to finish her and peters moment.

"Stay?!" The group chorused

"Yes. And if you come to meet Peter you'll see how sweet he is!"

Hook growled "absolutely not. Come on hope let's go."

Hope shook her head with an angry face. She had been waiting for weeks for this moment but never did she think it would happen this way.

"Hope let's go!" Emma yelled and grabbed her arm.

Just as the portal was about to close emma pulled hope through the portal.

Hope let out a scream and she fell into the magic twister. This was it. She'd never see the lost boys again.

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