Day 1

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You're on your way to lunch with Bruce when you see it. Technically, it's less of an 'it' and more of a 'them'. Bucky and the newly hired lab technician, Tess. From where you're standing, it's apparent that they're engaged in some kind of intimate discussion. Tess's hand rests on Bucky's forearm and he's standing unnecessarily close to her.

"Y/N, what's the hold up?" Ignoring Bruce, you watch as Bucky tosses his head back and laughs at something Tess says. You wonder if it's even funny.

Bucky appears as though he's thoroughly enjoying himself and something about his unperturbed happiness gets under your skin. The mature thing to do would be to walk away and leave the two adults alone but you've never been one to give into mature tendencies, especially when it comes to Bucky. Why do that when being childish is eons more fun?

"Earth to Y/N, are you listening to me?"

Bruce's words go in one ear and out the other as you contemplate the perfect way to ruin Bucky's conversation. Interrupting him would only be a temporary solution; you want something more permanent. Feigning an injury is probably a little excessive and Bruce would blow your cover before you got very far with that charade. You wrack your brain for the perfect idea when, like a miracle, you remember the deal that you made with Bucky just yesterday. He has to catch you no matter what the situation might be.

You're acting purely out of malice when you start running full speed in Bucky's direction. Behind you, Bruce calls your name but you don't respond. You're too focused on your target, the man with a metal arm who has yet to realize you are running directly to him.

"Time to catch me!"

Bucky's head whips in your direction, blue eyes as wide as saucers when he sees you coming. His movements are slightly frantic as he purposefully takes a few large steps away from Tess and holds his arms out to you. Once you're close enough, you take a blind leap, unsure of how this is going to work.

A large part of you is expecting this whole thing to go awry. Maybe you run too fast and the extra momentum will send the two of you crashing onto the floor together. Maybe he won't properly position his arms and you'll slip out of his grasp. Or maybe Bucky will forgo the deal entirely and let you fall right in front of him - you wouldn't put it past him.

Amazingly, none of those situations occur. Instead, Bucky expertly hooks one arm under your knees while the other wraps around your back. The coolness of his metal arm makes you shudder but, other than that, you're surprisingly comfortable.

"Y/N." Bucky says your name as if it physically pains him.

"Hey Bucky," you reply, the sweetness of your voice almost cavity-inducing. You crane your neck to the left and try not to grin when you see how bewildered Tess is. "Hey Tess."

The redheaded lab technician offers up a polite wave. "Hi Y/N."

"What are you doing here?"

You place a hand over your heart and feign a hurt expression "Can't a gal just drop by to say hi?"

Bucky's arms flex beneath you and he cannot keep the aggravation out of his voice when he says, "You and I both know you're not that kind of gal."

"What kind of gal are you insinuating I am, James?"

"Don't call me that."

"Why not?" You taunt, shifting slightly. This new position brings the two of you even closer together but neither of you shy away.


"Well I'm going to head out," Tess interrupts. You had genuinely forgotten she was there. "It was nice talking to you Bucky."

"You too Tess." Although he's speaking to her, Bucky's eyes are locked on you. If looks could kill, you'd be dead right now.

Once Tess is down the hall and out of sight, you jump out of Bucky's arms.

"What was that?"

Your lips curl upwards. "That was me taking advantage of our deal. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a lunch date with Bruce."

You saunter away from the former HYDRA assassin and join the scientist who just witnessed the whole ordeal.

Bruce's calm nature and soft-spoken attitude is what led the two of you to become fast friends. When you need to unwind or take a step back from the turmoil that came with being a part of the Avengers, he's the first person you turn to. You have spent more afternoons than you can count locked away in the lab with him. However, in all the time you have spent with him, you have never seen him look as perplexed as he does now.

"Do I want to know what just happened back there?"

"Probably not," you tell Bruce truthfully as the two of you leave the building, and Bucky, behind.

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