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I placed my fork down then put my head in my hands. It's been two months since Haknyeon left. I was at my wits end. Everyday it felt harder and harder to do anything. I was losing motivation drastically. I moved my hands then noticed they had a sheen to them. I had started crying without realizing it. They continued to fall out of my eyes and a few fell into my cereal.

I arrived at the office then held onto a wall for support. I felt as if I was being choked. "Hyunjoon?" I looked up and saw Eunjo jogging over to me. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, just a bit lightheaded." She leaned me against her as I slowly regained control. "You've been looking paler everyday. Are you eating?" "Yes, I'm getting the nutrients I need." She didn't seem to believe me. "Maybe you should've stayed home." "I swear I'm okay." She placed me in my seat then stayed for a while to make sure I was okay.


I fanned myself then took a sip of water. "Hey, you haven't taken your lunch break yet." "I don't need it." "You can't survive on water alone." He pulled me away from my computer then lifted me from my seat. "Let's get lunch." "But-" "No buts. If you don't have your wallet, I'll just pay for both of us." He dragged me to the elevator, preventing me from escaping.

We sat in silence as he forced me to eat a sandwich. "You're stressing lately. What's going on?" "Nothing." "Is Hak causing trouble at home?" I choked on my food. "You okay?" "We're fine! Everything is good. Can we change the subject?" He gave me a weird look before nodding. "So, Eunjo..." "I keep telling you to make moves. I'm already in a happy relationship." "You still have yet to introduce me to her." I bit my lip before stuffing my mouth. "Ooh, is someone getting embarrassed?" "Stop..." "I'm coming over tonight. Make sure she's there." "B-" He patted my arm before getting up to throw out his trash.


"Joon!" I sighed as Eunjo linked her arm with mine. "Whatever it is, I can't do it. I'm busy." "You've been so busy lately..." I slid her hands off then sighed. "It's life. See you." I quickly walked away then tried to remember where I parked the car.

I turned off the engine then sat in the car. Going inside meant going into an empty home. Going inside would just remind me that Haknyeon left me. My heart hurt like someone had stabbed it. I started the engine again then pulled out of the spot. I wanted Haknyeon back more than ever.


I pulled into their driveway then turned off the engine. I was quick to get out and tripped while going up the two stairs. I rang the bell then anxiously waited. "He-Oh. Hyunjoon." "Hello, Mrs. Ju..." "How may I help you?" "Mrs. Ju, I can't handle it anymore. Everyday feels like torture without him...It's so hard to function without him..." Her eyes softened then she closed the door. I wasn't sure what to make of what just happened. I soon heard two raised voices and soon the door opened. "Don't think of coming back in here until you make up with him."

We quietly sat in the car and I often stole glances at him. "Did you get the surgery done...?" "They pushed it back to next week." "Oh. Do you-" "No." I shrank back. He was being so cold. "Hak..." He didn't look at me. "I want to makeup with you. I miss you terribly. It's really hard on me with you being gone..." "Then how are you going to handle if I decide to go overseas one day?" He really wasn't giving me any leeway. "Haknyeon, I'm sorry if you feel unfairly treated. I didn't mean to make you feel like I wasn't listening to you." I started to get his attention. "I just forget...I know I could write things down, but I forget what I'm supposed to write down. And you don't always cooperate with me either."

He scoffed then finally faced me. "How have I not been cooperative?" "I always nicely ask you to leave me be when I work, but insist on clinging to me then get hurt when I raise my voice. Or when I just want to relax and you decide then that you want to go out and do things when I'm obviously dead tired. I have a more stressful job than you." He blinked then had a look of concern on his face. "Why didn't you say something...?" "Because...I didn't want to upset you. It made you happy..." "I'm sorry..." He got out of the car then walked over to my side. I opened the door then watched as he attempted to sit on my lap.

"I'm really sorry..." "It's my fault too...I didn't speak up." He pointed to his lips and I instantly knew what he wanted. He wrapped his arms around my neck as I deepened the kiss. I felt the life return to my body as he held me closer. He pulled away then leaned against me. "I'll try to be more understanding..." "That goes for both of us." I gently stroked his hair causing him to let out small moans of pleasure. "Are you doing that on purpose?" "Maybe..." "So you're trying to tease me huh." "It has been two months..." I rolled my eyes as I held him close. I never wanted to experience this kind of separation again.

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