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Flynn was breathless when he reached the stones. He turned towards the cave's opening, slightly worried that Baird might have followed him. Everything was silent. Even the lullaby had stopped. The Librarian was tempted to go back inside and help his friends, but decided against it. Despite the fact that he felt that he failed them all, including Jenkins, he couldn't take any risk. He brushed away the memory of Eve's surprised and even shocked face. There was a reason behind those auditive hallucinations. He needed to get to the bottom of this before it endangered his fellow Librarians. The only problem was that he had no idea where to start. He didn't even know what triggered them.

Carsen suddenly heard two voices engaged in a conversation nearby. His first thought was that they might have a link with his hallucination, but when he recognized one of the voices, he quickly took cover behind one of the stones. A couple soon appeared and stopped before the circle. The man was dressed as a knight and the woman was wearing a colourful medieval dress. As she wasn't facing him, Flynn could see that her auburn hair fell down to the middle of her back. She was holding the knight's hand. It took the Librarian some willpower to remain hidden. The knight was none other than a younger version of Jenkins. Carsen had recognized his voice already, but seeing him just confirmed what he feared. Once again, he had unwillingly travelled into a different space. As he kept looking, trying to remain unseen from the two, he noted that Jenkins' face expressed some concern.

"It is not my place to talk about the art you are so familiar with, but I beg of you: do not take this path. It is far too dangerous."

The woman exhaled a deep sight:

"You are right, Galeas, you shouldn't talk at all. Yet, I do enjoy the sound of your voice."

She suddenly turned towards the stones and Flynn ducked, worried that she might see him. He quickly glanced at her and was struck by her beauty. She seemed to have escaped from a famous painting. He frowned, trying to remember why she looked so familiar. Then it hit him. He had seen a drawing of her a long time ago.

"Morgan le Fay," he whispered to himself.

So Baird had been right when she told him that she suspected some old history between her and Jenkins. The only difference was that Jenkins had asked the Colonel to kill her, while he seemed pretty close to her at that very moment. It seemed pretty obvious to the Librarian that he travelled into time too.

"Then let me come with you, please," asked Galahad. "Let me protect you."

Morgan's laugh rang in Flynn's ears like the small bells in his head. He covered his ears, realising that he just had found the cause of his hallucinations. But it was too late already, he could feel that he was already slipping away from this reality. He could however hear what she told the knight.

"No, my virtuous Galeas. It is me who shall protect you this time."

When Flynn opened his eyes, all he could see was the sky. Clouds were quietly moving, inspiring peace. Birds were singing in the distance. The Librarian didn't move, letting the sounds of nature sooth him. Then he slowly sat and discovered that he was not alone. A woman was sitting nearby. Despite the fact that she had aged, that her auburn hair were shorter and that her colourful dress was now a dark green suit, there was no doubt in his mind. Morgan le Fay was staring at him.

"I finally get the chance to meet you in the flesh," she said, her voice still bearing that ironic tone she used when he heard her talk to the young Jenkins.

"Nice to meet you too... I think," he simply said.

Questions started to fill his head but something told him that he should save them for later. He quickly glanced around him. He was now outside the circle of stones and he wondered if she had carried him away or if he had collapsed there. Again, he didn't ask. There was something odd about the way she was still staring at him, as if she was fighting some inner doubts.

"Let me guess," he boldly said. "You need me, but you don't know how to phrase it. Here is a suggestion: could you help me, please?"

A dangerous smile blossomed on her lips:

"I do need your help alright. My only concern is that you might ruin everything by interfering. Plus, you really talk too much."

The Librarians ...and the Sleepwalking Caretaker (Budapest Mysteries - part 2)Where stories live. Discover now