Everything's fine

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Jenkins began to stir and opened his eyes to find Flynn staring at him with concern.

"How do you feel?"

"Better, thank you."

Carsen helped him get up. The Caretaker frowned when he realised that they were back at the Annex alright but that something was wrong. The place was in such a state of decay, it was as if it had been abandoned for centuries.

"I don't recall leaving the Annex in such a poor state," casually noted Jenkins.

"That's how we found it when we came back from London," explained Ezekiel.

Before the Caretaker could ask another question, Cassandra let out a cry of joy.

"Look! The clipping book! It's back!"

Her companions looked in the direction she was pointing. The book was standing at its usual place and was open.

Jake and Flynn immediately walked towards it, almost colliding in each other when they both leaned on the book. It was indeed quite difficult to see anything in the dim light and Jenkins sighed with annoyance.

"Your sense of priorities never ceases to amaze me," he grunted before he clapped in his hands.

The room was instantly bathed in bright light. Everyone stared at the Caretaker in shock.

"What now?" He grumbled.

"The light... it wouldn't work before," said Eve.

Jenkins simply shrugged and announced that he was going to get changed. Morgan who had remained very quiet laughed softly.

"What a shame. I found that nightdress of yours very fitting..."

He ignored her and disappeared through the door leading to his quarters.

"Is it wise to let him go alone?" Wondered Baird. "We don't know if this version of the Annex is safe..."

"If you want I can go and give him a hand," offered the sorceress with a cocky smile.

"We'd rather keep you in our sight," replied the Colonel.

It was not a suggestion but an order and Morgan complied. She removed the dust that had accumulated on a chair and sat down, looking as the young Librarians tried to solve their problem. She eventually grew tired of their babbling and started staring at the door through which Jenkins had disappeared earlier. It had been quite some time since he had gone and the sorceress wondered what took him so long. She even regretted that she didn't accompany him. He had been through quite an ordeal and she shivered at the thought that she nearly lost him forever. She realised that she didn't want to be the last one remaining. Despite the fact that they had avoided each other for centuries, despite the fact that Jenkins hated her, Morgan knew that she wasn't alone and that thought was enough. But now that someone was threatening the Caretaker's life, things were different. It had been so long since she had feared to lose someone close to her that she had almost forgotten how it tasted. She felt a tear on her cheek and wiped it quickly. She noticed that Flynn was staring at her. She was tempted to make an acid comment but there was something about the way he looked at her that prevented her doing so. And then he smiled and she frowned. She hadn't paid attention at first but it seemed that the Annex was recovering from its decaying state.

"It can't be," she whispered.

But it was real. The Annex was no longer the abandoned place they had reached. It was slowly coming back to life.

Jenkins chose this moment to emerge from the corridor. He was wearing a black suit, a white shirt and a purple bow tie. The sorceress had to admit that he looked far better than a few moments ago.

"You look good for an immortal," she smiled.

"I never realised that you had such a strong relationship with the Annex..." Said Flynn.

Morgan and the Librarian exchanged a glance while the Caretaker raised an eyebrow. Now that he was back, the Annex was alive again.

"Guys," called Carsen. "We were in the right place all along. The Annex decayed because it missed Jenkins. Now that he is back, so is the Annex we know! No more mysteries!"

"Except that we still don't know why the Book sent us after those Flagons and we still don't know who tried to kill Jenkins," sighed Eve. "Apart from that, everything's fine, yes, sure..."

The Librarians ...and the Sleepwalking Caretaker (Budapest Mysteries - part 2)Where stories live. Discover now