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i didn't feel pain anymore. i was numb and my body was black and blue. i was bleeding from every part of my body; from my nose to my leg. my face was swollen judging by my inability to see well. those two men hit me everyday, but didn't reach the point of killing me. they just hurt me, a lot. one day they had said i was lucky enough because their boss didn't want me dead. it was already the time of the day when they came back to check on me and maybe hit me again if i started to recover. i gulped as they walked in with the same piece of wood they have been using since the first day and this time i wished i was dead already.


"why did you change your hair?" she asked me as we purchased the tickets and waited for our bus. more questions, i hated questions.

"i had to" i answered indifferently hoping she would stop talking, but i had no such luck.

"you know, you're a lot different than you were in 2014" she observed. everything was different; from the way i was dressed to my whole personality.

"people change when the circumstances demand it" i shrugged.

"so which were the circumstances that made you change?" she asked. she tried to make her way into making me share my story. i smiled at how witty she was and shook my head. "i just want to know what kept you away from everything all those years." she bluntly confessed.

"trust me alicia, the story is too scary for a delicate girl like you" i tried to walk around the bus station, but she wouldn't leave me alone.

"i'm not delicate, i'm punk rock." she protested, bringing back memories, making me nostalgic of the days we were at the peek of our career.

"i like you" i finally stopped walking and turned to look at her, she almost bumped on me being completely distracted.

she offered me a warm welcoming grin.

"does that mean you're going to tell me what happened?"

"i never said that" i shrugged again.

"ugh come on" she groaned.

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