Chapter 1

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I groaned in annoyance as I heard my geometry teacher explain the same thing continuously for 40 minutes. In the time my class had spent listening I already finished the worksheet front and back.

"Fuck these people are dumbasses." My friend Danielle murmured to me with exasperated eyes.

"Dead ass. Dead fucking ass." 

After hearing the tedious mantra we tried to giggle silently at the inside joke. It was the only thing we could do to entertain ourselves.

"Bro in all this time I coulda finished my homework from all my classes."

 Danielle started to take out the last piece of her sandwich that she was steadily eating from the start of class.

"Are you going to share miss?" The geometry teacher paused his lecture after decades just to call out Danielle on her loud munching.

"Hell no." Was whispered under my breath as most of my commentary to life is said. There was a quick burst of laughter from Danielle but once realizing that the teacher was staring at her with his bitch face, she quieted.

"Sorry sir, do you want a piece?" Thoroughly not meaning it because Danielle didn't even like to share with me.

"No thank you miss." 

And just like that he was back to teaching.

We stayed silent for the rest of the period because we didn't have the energy after the long and exhausting day which we just wanted to end.


"Finna-fucking-lee." The exclamation came out as I hurried to shove all my stuff (read shit) into my bag. Just as I was ready to leave I heard something rather unpleasant.

"Bye sweet cheeks."

 The name was said with a sadistic smile that knew just what response it would illicit.

I slowly raised up my right hand in a fist then stuck up my middle finger with a blank expression on my face.

"Fuck you." 

The words came calmly out of my mouth as I turned swiftly and headed towards my locker.

After getting my coat I left the building and thanked all those above for it being a Friday. 

I took out my phone to call my mother to tell her I was out but like always she didn't pick up.

"Always asking me why I don't call you. I do fucking call you, you just don't answer the damn phone which makes absolutely no sense because you're always freaking on it."

 Angrily talking to myself was a common occurrence and should probably be a concern but seeing what kind of person I am, it wasn't.

Walking to my place I passed an alley, which there are plenty when in New York, and doubled back after hearing a meow. See if it was a person I wouldn't have gone back but it was a cat so it was all right.

I looked all the way to the end of the alley and after confirming that there was no one present I started looking for the cat. 

I found it after turning my head and it was a ginger cat that seemed to be sitting, staring, as if waiting for me to see it.

The situation was frankly suss as fuck and I really had not an ounce of patience to deal with any sort of bullshit that day. But because of not wanting to go home because of potentially being forced to do the dishes I made the smart decision of going near the cat.

As I approached it started moving at a leisurely pace; not so fast that I would lose sight of it but also not slow enough for me to be within a few feet of it.

Nearing the end the cat ducked behind a trash bin and didn't come back out. I was left staring at the bin and contemplating if this cat was worth it. Again intelligently deciding that this was better than chores, I chose to look behind the trash bin.

What I found was definitely not a cat if that's what you're thinking. It was actually an grey ellipse shaped thing that was certainly not part of any building. That was the line for me.

"Well I'm out." 

Despite bumping into a wall near my house every day hoping to magically go to Narnia I am not messing with something that I'd read enough fanfics about to know that I shouldn't mess with.

Regardless of me making a normal human decision for once in my life it seemed that the world had it out for me that day.

I wasn't able to step away and was actually being dragged back towards the weird portal thing.

"Oh god I knew I shouldn't have followed that fucking cat and now I'm about to be swallowed by a less cool version of the devil's anus." 

I was rambling as I tried to seek foot hold so I wouldn't get sucked in to the portal.

In the end no matter what I did nothing was working and I was mildly accepting of being swallowed by a sucky hole when it actually happened.

"I'm a fucking idiot." 

That was last thing I was able to think and say consciously before the world started fading out into my favorite color, you guessed it: black!

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