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I wanted to thank firestar4ever for this amazing cover. It's exactly what I wanted! I can't think of a better cover maker-if I may. Anyways, enjoy this pretty old book!

NO NO NO! If you read my description AND the description of this book, you might know that this book is really old and reflects in every single way possible my nonexistent ability to write, and now I'm focusing on bigger and better stories. So, please, this is your last warning. Man, I sound like an airport voice I'm my head.


Leader: froststar, a pale tabby she-cat with darker flecks with blue eyes

Deputy: gleamhawk, a brown tom with yellow eyes

Medicine cat: cloudthroat, a white small tom with black stripes

Warriors: quietpool, a blue grey she-cat with white paws APPRENTICE: raggedpaw

Whitedrizzle, a white she-cat

Grasswillow, a grey tom with white stripes APPRENTICE: barkpaw

Leopardspot, a brown tom with a white underbelly APPRENTICE: volepaw

Peltgleam: a beautiful white she-cat with grey and black stripes and ginger patches

Snowclaw, a white she-cat with black paws APPRENTICE: strongpaw

Windfang, a sleek black tom

Softpine, a brown she-cat

Bluestripe, a blue grey tom with white paws

Queens: flamesound, a ginger she-cat with white patches, nursing grasswillow's kits

Fallenwing, a golden she-cat with brown paws, nursing windfang's kits

Sageleaf, a white she cat with brown stripes, nursing oakwing's kits

Apprentices: strongpaw: a black tom with grey stripes

barkpaw, a brown tom with white patches

Volepaw, a grey tom

Raggedpaw, a white she-cat tom a yellow underbelly

Elders: oakwing, a brown tom retired early due to falling sight

Fallenleg, a white tom with brown paws, no hind leg, formally known as ashleap.


Leader: larchstar, a brown tom with blue eyes

Deputy: holecloud, a white and brown tom with brown eyes APPRENTICE: heatherpaw

Medicine cat: forestleaf, a white she-cat with white stripes APPRENTICE: poppypaw

Warriors: tigerlily, a brown she-cat with golden stripes

Meadowlight, a white she-cat with ginger patches APPRENTICE: foxpaw

Sorrowpelt, a blue and black tom

Breezefang, a yellow tom with a white underbelly

Roseleaf, a grey and white she-cat with a ginger APPRENTICE: riverpaw

Brownstripe, a dark tom with brown stripes APPRENTICE:leappaw

Goldenmuzzle, a brown she cat with a golden muzzle

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